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My remus lupin headcanons:

- He's Welsh and the marauders can't understand him half the time (esp when he's angry)

- Has multiple chocolate stashes and each marauder knows where one of them is and thinks they're the only one who knows

- Also has a tea collection

- Swears the most but never gets in trouble for it

- Has a book collection and has every type imaginable

- Always takes a book with him

- Is the only reason the everywhere he goes
other marauders will, even if it's not a long trip
study (he bribes them)

- Hated full moons until he befriended James, Sirius, and Peter

- Always the last one to wake up

- Kind of outgrew the Marauders but after James died he started to miss them

^^ He started using wolfsbane more

- Got the others into David Bowie, Queen, and Fleetwood Mac

- Has a journal but it's mostly filled with prank ideas and some other notes/writings

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