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James Potter:

At five years old, James Potter managed to get himself stuck in a tree for nearly two hours after sneaking into the shed and stealing his dad's old Quidditch broom

Sirius Black:

At five years old, Sirius Black waltzed with his cousin Andromeda around his family's ballroom in his four-piece suit, afterward spending the rest of the night trying to sneak sips of chardonnay while adults weren't looking.

Peter Pettigrew:

At five years old, Peter Pettigrew tried to steal one of his mum's famous tarts but was instead rewarded with a swift slap to the hand as his chubby fingers reached towards the sweet pastry.

Remus Lupin:

At five years old, Remus Lupin experienced his first transformation locked alone in his room he listened to the quiet sobs of his mother from outside the door whilst playing with his toy car before the sudden sharp pain left him rigid with fear.

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