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One morning Sirius Black saunters into the Great Hall with his hair in a bun and tie loose as can be.

And he plonks himself down at the table and everyone just stares.

Because his neck is covered in hickeys.

And he's all grins and showing them off like nobodies business.

And all the girls in the Hall are eyeing each other up like;

'Which one of you bitches got to do that? Fuck you why wasn't it me...'

McGoangall just stares for second before averting her eyes.

She can't think of any rules he's broken but Jesus Christ should that be allowed?

And James walks in, hand combing through his hair before he sees.

And he just raises his eyebrow and smiles.

'Merlin Remus, get a bit carried away did we?'

And Remus is just siting there, red as tomato, wanting to die because it's so embarrassing and someone is laughing oh no..

But secretly he is really fucking pleased with himself.

Like, damn.

I did that.

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