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Let's talk about Lily's friendship with the other Marauders!

Lily standing up for Peter when a group of Slytherins comers him in the corridor.

Lily and Remus meet up for tea every Sunday.

Lily and Sirius go for a ride on the motorbike.

Lily baking sweets for Peter.

Lily and Remus researching the laws that affect werewolves.

Lily and Sirius having a sass war where they spend an hour trying to outwit/out-sass each other.

Peter tries to get her and James in the same room and always fails to be subtle about it.

Remus mentioned that James has really matured.

Sirius smirks whenever he sees Lily steal a glance at James or vice versa.

Peter patiently listens as Lily rambles on about James, never letting on that he knows about her feelings.

Remus drops hints that he knows about her feelings for James and gives her some wise advice and comfort.

Sirius blurts out that he knows that she fancies James one day when they're alone in the common room, resulting in him getting smacked with a pillow before the two double over laughing because of course she does but she's too stubborn to admit it and they both know it and if he tells anyone, she'll hex him into the next century and he promises that he won't but that doesn't stop him from smirking every time he sees her.

Lily's friendship with the Marauders is crucial and should not be overlooked.

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