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Fallin' All in You | Shawn Mendes

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Upon reaching New York, I get overwhelmed by the busy streets and the noise pollution all over. People were all over the place, bustling up and down the roads. The daytime pollution looked immense, and the entire place looked way too ideal for me. I always wanted to live in a happening city and get drowned in the vibe of artistry.

My Dream Place.

As I get into the taxi that I had hailed, It moves with the traffic and drops me in front of a big building painted dirty white. I pay the driver as I get out and pull my suitcase with me. 

I expected nothing different than what was in front of me: two huge buildings. I go to the dorm building's entrance, through the glass doors, and then glide my way on the smooth tiles of the building. The lounge looked pretty classy and aesthetic, painted in dusky white, with a small wall corner with photos of achievers.

I arrive at the brown front desk, where a woman looks at me expectantly. 

"Name, dear"

"Haevi Chary." She types in her system and hands me over a key. "Room 23, upstairs, to the right."

I thank her and drag my suitcase upstairs and then to the right.

ROOM 23 a name plate is shown in front of the door. Two other nameplates were near it, in a smaller font.

Chloe Cervantez

Haevi Chary

As I open the door, I'm treated to a fully furnished bedroom and a little closet. Two single beds were placed alongside the walls. I put my luggage on the right side and then freshened up.

I change my outfit and wear a black top and skirt set.

I put on my white sneakers and shove the luggage under my bed. I remove my hair tie and leave my hair cascading down my back to my waist.

I lock the dorm door and begin my way to the entrance. Exiting the dorm building, I go down the street from the university gate and keep walking, catching different people's eyes as I'm walking.

It still creeps me the fuck out at how you just catch random people staring at you.

I just ignore the staring and walk straight down the street. 

After a solid 10-minute walk, I stop near a cafe. "Daisy's "was written in a neon sign over a large black headboard. Deciding to give this cute cafe a try, I pull the door clearly marked "push" and embarrass myself.

 I checked my surroundings to see if anyone saw my little moment. Thankfully, people were busy with themselves, and no one saw it. 

Yeah, I'm that girl.

This time, I push the door and enter as a little bell jingles over my head, announcing my arrival.

I look around the entire place and take in the view. The walls were painted light yellow, almost sandalwood, and the inner decor was completely black wood. 

The cashier and the order placement counters were on the right side, with the entire menu on three big TVs overhead. The entire place followed a theme of yellow and black. 

I take a seat near one of the double-chaired tables, one leg draped over the other. The cafe wasn't too packed, but just the right amount. Beside my table, was a group of boys, being too loud and suddenly shushing each other and then going loud again, or maybe it was just my ear trying to play with the volume button.

What We Felt Ahead | ATOH #2Where stories live. Discover now