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Somebody To You | The Vamps feat. Demi Lovato

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"Excuse me?" I ask, dumbfounded.

"You and Aaron are working together." Nick shrugs, throwing the chit at me.

"You're lying." Aaron deadpans at Nick, snatching the papers from me.

"Hey-" I protest as he places his palm flat to my face, blocking me from speaking.

"See for yourself, A-A," Nick smirks, stirring the straw he was holding in his cup.

"I want a redo," I state, fed up with Aaron's palm blocking my sight.

Aaron shoots me a look.

"Alright. We'll do as you say." Nick shrugs and starts mixing up all the papers. Aaron snatches the bowl and carefully picks out two chits, smiling to himself as if he knows what he is doing.

He opens them and groans.

I snatch them to take a look.



"What the fuck?" I throw a question at no one.

"You got no choice, Vi. Either this or you say goodbye to your precious Nutella load desert tonight..." Nick smirks.

Why does he keep smirking?

These people are enjoying this too much. Chlo, Rei, Reece and Chris look at us, grimacing at our expressions.


"Alright. What do we have to do?" Aaron interrupts me, agreeing with Nick.

Why is he agreeing now?

"Why are you agree-" I get interrupted by Cade smacking his biceps. I glare at him as he shrinks onto the couch.

Nick opens the rolled-up paper and reads out. "You'll have to do the-Food"

"No. " I groan, hitting my head on my knees. I hiss in pain and rub my forehead at the impact.

Aaron snickers, earning a glare from me.


Nick ignores us and picks out the remaining two chits, which we already know who it is.

"Reece and Chloe." He reads out, smiling at them both.

Reece started smirking to himself while Chloe looked like she was slapped hard in the face.

"Sorry, what? " She asks, not believing it.

"You both, Reecey and Chlo should do a task together. Which is-" I drag, looking at Nick to continue.

"-Clearing up the kitchen after they make food." He says, pointing at Aaron  and me.

Chloe nods and turns to Reece, continuing their talk.

"I'm not making food," I state.

"Bye-bye, Nutella." Nick threatens.

I glare at him with intensity as he dismisses everyone to complete their task.

"Go now! Get us some good food!" Cade orders me, flexing his muscles.

"So, like, grocery shopping and cooking?" Aaron asks, expectantly.

"Why do you sound like you're hoping it is?" I ask him, narrowing my eyes.

"I don't." He scoffs.

What We Felt Ahead | ATOH #2Where stories live. Discover now