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Fallin' (Adrenaline) | Why Don't We

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A while later and when I was still bored with nothing to do, I decided it was time I found myself a quick part-time job. I can only burden Mom and Dad for so long; I ought to pay for my food and stuff at least, if not the college fees.

Walking away from the cafe, there was a little ice cream and dessert place.  

"Tasty Shack." I read the sign at the top.

way to put it.

I open the door swiftly as the bell on the door jingles. Why is it the bell all the time?

I enter the shop and I take in the colourful, soft-themed walls. Pink, white, yellow, and blue colour-coordinated walls with white tables and multi-coloured chairs

"Hey there! Welcome to Tasty Shack! What can I get you?" A blonde boy, around my age, smiles at me politely.


"Oh, I was just looking, that's all," I tell him, returning his smile.

"Oh, alright then! Tell me if you need anything." He says and turns away.

"Actually- wait!" He turns back and looks at me, confused. His smile, however, doesn't leave his face. "I actually wanted to know if this place was hiring."

"Oh. Well, say no more! Part-time?" He asks me, grinning.

"Yep," I say, popping the 'p'.

"Then you're at the right place. There are quite a few openings in our staff. You can choose though—that is if you want to and I can talk to the manager."

I nod.

"There is a position open for entertaining the customers with any interactive activity, on specific days, and well, you could take up that if you have the potential to speak openly... There is also a need for another worker along with me. You can choose." He says sky-high.

His cheeryness is nauseating, but his personality definitely makes up for it.

"Since the interactive session is only for special days, can I do both? I mean, I'd love to engage with everyone and work along with you if that's fine." I ask him.

"Of course! I'll sign you up then. I'm Alex, by the way. " He introduces himself.

"Nice to meet you, Alex. I'm Haevi."

"Is it ok if I cool-ify your name and call you Haze, while we're at it?- not that your name isn't already cool-"

"Of course, Al!" Interrupt his rambling.

"I'll let you know about your working details next Monday."


My head was blank. Literally. After a small discussion with Alex about the hiring and all, we exchanged numbers to keep in touch.

I was back in my dorm, setting out my closet and deep in thought.

Deep in thought, about my long dress that was currently hanging in my hands. It was my prom dress. The black, shiny material still had the coffee stain from that time when I accidentally poured some of my coffee on my dress after I got home with my date.

A knock is heard on the dorm door, expecting it to be my roommate.

I put the dress away in the closet and walked towards the door, opening it.

What We Felt Ahead | ATOH #2Where stories live. Discover now