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I Feel It Coming | The Weeknd

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By the time I got to the airport, early in the morning, even before the sun rose, AJ was already waiting outside with her baggage and a scowl on her face, aiming at no one.

She hadn't seen me yet, but I was sure that once she had, she would kill me.

It wasn't my fault that I was late. The airport was a bit far away, and she informed me about her landing after it had happened.

That explained why I was dressed like a homeless person, in loose black sweats and a fitted black crop top. Over it was a plain grey jacket zipped to my bust. My hair was left open with strands framing my face, and my eyes felt tired from the sudden event.

I hadn't even bothered to put on basic makeup and was presentable only on my oil-absorbant face lotion.

"If you had informed me a minute later, I would've left you deserted here," I mutter as I reach her, my arms wrapped around myself in the cold atmosphere.

She jumps, startled, and turns around, wrapping me in a tight hug. She then pulls back, assessing my face the way my mom always did, and pecks my cheek.

I gag, wiping the kiss away with the back of my hand and shoving her playfully away from me. Her chocolate hair was pulled into a messy bun, and she was wearing red joggers and a black cropped hoodie.

My sore eyes.

"Ew," I comment on her outfit as she slaps my arm. "What even are you wearing?"

"It's presentable, bitch." She gives an excuse.

I scoff. "If you think so."

I reach for the carry-on as she hands me the small bag too. Her hand was holding the handle of her large suitcase.

"I missed my sleep for you." I let her know, guiding her to the car that I had hailed for us as we both pulled her luggage along.

"Aw, I missed you too, Vi." She pouts, pinching my cheek.

I push her hand away and push her forehead with my index finger. "Just a heads up, my man's going to flip if he sees you touching me." I joke with her as she rolls her eyes.

"I hope he knows that he's the side chick here and not me." She says as she gets into the backseat after her luggage gets settled into the trunk.

I playfully roll my eyes. "What if I did meet someone?"


"Please." She scoffs. "You were never one to let a guy boss you around, Vi. You're not fooling anyone here by saying that you let a guy decide who gets to touch you and who doesn't, in a matter of two weeks."

"Fair point," I say, looking at her as she brings her phone out of her purse.

"Also, Hunter's in New York too." She informs, laying her head back into the seat.

My face morphs into confusion. "Who's Hunter?"

She raises her eyebrows before nodding. "Of course, you don't remember." She mutters. "Remember the guy you almost hooked up with at the Halloween party last year?"

"Him?" I ask her, vaguely remembering memories from the night.

Last year, I visited my aunt in Michigan, along with AJ, Tyler and a few of his friends who tagged along.

The night was filled with crazy pictures of me and AJ, along with Tyler and his friend group, which consisted of the majority of the football jocks. The night ended with me getting drunk and making out with his friend, Hunter McDylan. We would've done more than just kissing if he wasn't shoved away by some random guy from another school.

What We Felt Ahead | ATOH #2Where stories live. Discover now