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Paris In The Rain | Lauv

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Beep Beep Beep Bee-

Someone hits the snooze button. 


Cause I was seconds away from breaking whose ever that phone was. A hand starts jabbing me in my side gently, and shaking my whole body, I assume, to wake me up.

If only waking up was that easy.

It's been two days since my arrival and my first day just so happened to be yesterday. It was boring and I didn't really feel like calling my mom and telling her about me. So, today, she was definetely going to call me.

I groan and turn towards the wall, facing away from whoever that was waking me up.

"Ugh, get up, Vi! you'll be late or else!" A voice, distinctly sounding like Chlo's, keeps nudging me to get up. "C'mon! WAKE UP!"

Okay, maybe we got way too close with our talks and now act like we're fucking besties. Reina is so sure that we're meant to be.

"Go away!" I whine and turn on my belly. A comfortable sigh leaves my lips before Chlo starts her abuse again. "Let me sleep! Go!" I groan, still in my sleep.

After successfully pulling my blanket away from me, Chlo leaves me open to the chill air. I shiver and sit up on the bed, running a hand through my bird's nest of hair.

" What time is it?" I ask her, still a bit drowsy and a yawn taking over.

"It's almost six forty-five, Girl!" She lets me know, taking her clothes.

"You sure are a heavy sleeper, Vi. I wouldn't be surprised if you had woken up at noon." She says, letting out a laugh at my antics just before.

"Not really," I tell her, smiling sheepishly.

Who was I kidding?

No one.

"Uh-huh, sure, babe. What did you say again? Oh yea, leave me alone! let me sleep! I need sleep to survi-" She mimicks me, in a slightly too high-pitched voice.

"Yea, yea, got it. And I did not say that or  sound like that" I interrupt her, faking an offended face.

"Yes, you do. Your voice is too velvety, babe" She tells me, approvingly nodding her head.

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" I ask her.

"Is what a good thing or a bad thing? " Rei asks, coming into the room, all dressed and ready to attend a lecture. She looks at the both of us curiously.

"My voice. Chlo says it's too velvety." I tell her

Whatever that is supposed to mean.

"What the fuck is velvety even supposed to mean? "She asks us, scrunching up her nose, voicing my thoughts.

I shrug as Chlo rolls her eyes at the both of us. 

"It means, that Vi's voice is smooth and heavenly. What do I do with the both of you?" Chlo tells, face-palming herself, eyeing both of us.

I shrug again as she sighs and takes her robe into the bathroom with her.

"When did you wake up, Rei?" I ask Rei, who was staring at the wall that Chloe decorated.

"Five thirty or something. Oh and by the way, I heard Chlo yell at you to wake up." She tells me, putting her hands on her waist in a playful manner.

"Hey! A girl needs to sleep ok?" I pout at her when she only giggles and shakes her head.

What We Felt Ahead | ATOH #2Where stories live. Discover now