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What Makes You Beautiful | One Direction

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The following day, I stuck to my schedule and attended lectures for the entirety of the morning before slipping away for some coffee at Daisy's.

The familiar surroundings of the cafe brightened my mood as I vaguely walked in, standing in the line, which consisted of two people right in front of me.

The bell on top of the door chimes, signalling the entry of another customer, their presence filling the space behind me.

The line moved quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it was my turn.

"Name?" A short, pretty blonde girl with a black baseball cap asks. The pin on her shirt read 'Julianna'

"Haevi," I reply, fishing my bag out of my wallet. Upon reaching it, I pull it out, holding it securely in my palm.

"What can we get you today?" I order my coffee and blueberry muffin, and she nods with a smile.

She prepares my order in a short time, handing me the cup with a small note on the holder. 'Coffee for the pretty girl '

I take it, my lips cracking into a grin as she hands me my bag of muffins.

Her acrylic nails click against the iPad screen as she types in and turns it around, waiting for me to choose my method of payment, and announcing the amount.

Before I could tap, a hand pushed mine away from behind me, with the card offering the barista.

I shoot the hand a confused glance and turn back, slightly fazed, as my eyes collide with a pair of smokey greys with silver swirls.

The scent of starbursts and fresh laundry hits my nose as he moves beside me, his grey hoodie brushing against the sleeve of my white knit sleeve.


"What do you think you're doing?" I ask him, raising one of my eyebrows.

"Paying, genius." He rolls his eyes as Julianna, the barista, gives me an undecisive look, waiting for my confirmation. I narrow my eyes at him as he looks at me expectantly as if anticipating my approval.

"I can see that, idiot." I deadpan. "But why?"

He shrugs, his eyes raking over my outfit subtly, a small smile forming on his lips. "I don't know. I'm just paying."

"I can pay for myself," I say, rolling my eyes before jutting him out of the line with my elbow. He hisses, gently rubbing his ribs before glaring at me. My elbow most likely hurt more than his torso.

I give Juliana my card, and right before she can grab it, Aaron places it right in her hands. "Use this card."

"Aaron," I warn as he pockets his hands into his black pants. I chuck my card back into my purse.

What the hell was he playing at?

I did not want him spending money on me, or anyone spending money on me, for that matter. I could pay for my coffee and get on with it without disturbing anyone.

I look at him, my eyes taking in his appearance. He had tousled hair, a grey hoodie, black pants, a silver earring dangling from his left ear, and a shit-eating grin on his face.

What was he up to?

Julianna gives us both a knowing look before using his card to complete the payment.

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