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Higher | Shawn Mendes

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Putting on my outfit, I look into the mirror.

The black crop top and grey joggers with matching jacket went agreeably well with me today and I put on silver hoops for my ears and a few silver rings for my fingers. A silver bracelet dangles from my wrist as I look at Chloe checking her phone.

"So?" I asked her, "Do I look homeless or casual? I feel like I'm dancing between those lines."

It's been an entire week of college and today was Sunday. We didn't have college today. We—as in me, Chloe, and Rei—were supposed to spend the day at the boys' mansion and I didn't want to dress up and neither did I want to look homeless.

Chloe beams. "I feel like a proud mom, Vi"

I laugh at her comment as Reina pretends to check me out and swipes her thumb and index finger on her chin.

"What?" I ask Reina.

She gives me a thumbs up as I view her baby blue nails which she had just gotten done.

"That is so cute" I look at her nails in awe as chlo agrees.

"Alright. We should hustle up now. We have a long evening ahead." Chlo breaks the silence.

Quickly grabbing my phone and the little purse I carry around, I lock the dorm room once we all are out.


"WHERE IS IT?!" Caden shrieks at the top of his lungs.

Nick chucks his shoe at him as Cade squats on the couch, flinching all over it.

"Aaron! Aaron! Over here- No! Near the window- AH! Check that-" Cade's high-pitched screams filled the room. Aaron kept moving to Cade's orders trying to keep up with him.

I start giggling, unable to contain myself, along with Chlo. Reina slaps Chris on the head as he steals her chocolate-dipped strawberry.

"Ow! Woman, be gentle!" He yelps at her.

"Shut up" Reina mutters.


Liam gives him a dark look that shuts him up.

The room goes silent. I tried to silence my laughter as I felt my shoulders shake. At that exact moment, I made eye contact with Chlo and we burst out laughing, again.

We were laughing for no absolute reason. Chloe slaps my shoulder playfully, laughing along with me.

I clear my throat, settling down on the couch, beside Caden.

He hugs my arm and feigns crying. " Mom, is that bug gone?"

"Yes, it is, you fucking overgrown child" I answer, patting his head a bit too violently.

"Hey! Moms don't curse at their children!" He whines.

"Hey! Well, the child doesn't tell mom what to do." I retort.

"The mom doesn't-" He argues.

"Shut up," I say.

"Meany" He sticks his tongue out.

I stick my tongue out at him.

"I'm surrounded by fucking children" Aaron mutters.

"What is it? Your voice is muffled by all the layers of ego in your massive head." Nick grins, acting as if he hadn't heard Aaron's muttering.

"Or maybe, you just need a hearing check-up" Aaron snaps.


Whiskey wags his tail as he jumps onto my lap. I start petting him as Aaron whistles.

The little fur ball immediately jumps off me and runs to his owner, his tail vigorously moving.

"Attention-seeking whore" I mutter to him.

"I think the correct word for that is, exhibitionist." He corrects me, raising an eyebrow.

"Sure, two-legged chicken," Cade says sassily.

"A chicken is two-legged, you idiot!" Nick slaps the back of his head.

" Is not!" Cade argues.

"Is too!" Nick talks back

"Is not. How do we get four leg pieces-" Cade gets interrupted.

"Shut Up" Aaron mutters at the same time I say 


We look at each other and roll our eyes.

What the fuck?

"Fine, Since we all voted for me to vanish our boredom-" Nick speaks up.

"No, we didn't." Reina deadpans, interrupting him.

"Shush, child! Let the adults speak." He glares at her as she scoffs and he continues. "I have a game in mind-"

"You don't have a brain, Nick." Chloe asks.

"Shut up and let me speak!" He whines.

"I have an idea for a game. We can individually write our names on a sheet of paper and place them here- "He motions to the bowl in front of him. "Next, in the other bowl, we write the name of the chore. Whoever is appointed for the task must complete it. Have any questions?"

I blink at him and raise my hands.

"Yes, Miss Haevi." He acknowledges seriously.

"What if I don't do whatever it is, that you want me to, Nicky?" I ask him.

"Then, you can say goodbye to your precious Nutella tonight." He threatens and I raise my hands in defeat.


"Any more questions? None? Great!" He exclaims and hands over small pieces of paper to each of us.

I write my name on one of them and place it in the bowl along with the others. Nick mixes up the papers and places the bowl in the middle.

"Now, I'll pick out two names and one chore. Alright?" We nod.

"Okay." He picks out two pieces of rolled-up paper and opens one of them. "Reina and...Caden!"

Reina groans, hitting her head on my shoulder as Chris chuckles at her.

"And your chore is..." Nick pulls out a paper from the chore bowl, and opens it " Taking Whiskey, my man, for a check-up"

"C'mon!" Reina whines as Whiskey wags his tail.

"Next, we have two more chits." He pulls out two chits and one from the chore bowl. "Me and...Chris. We'll be doing- CLEANING?!"

"Good luck with that." Aaron smirks.

Nick makes two more papers and opens them, smirking at Aaron and then at me.

And I've never seen someone lose their smirk as fast as Aaron did.


Hey! We don't judge a girl for choosing fashion over comfort!

Its beginning!!! Basically, the first few chapters are fillers. The story begins later on. Kidding.

Every chapter in this book is important for the plot to make sense.



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