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If I Could Fly | One Direction

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"C'mon! I really want them to meet you!" Rei whines. 

"Yea, Vi, it'll be great and plus you'll get along with them." Chlo urges me, agreeing with Rei.

"Fine." I give in, not being able to argue anymore.

I didn't have my daily dose of coffee either because of that dickhead. 

Not- Ugly-But-Fucking-Idiot


"On one condition," I add on, looking at a sulking Rei and Chlo, whose eye started twitching. "Okay, fine. No conditions. Happy?"

"Yes! That's the spirit!" Rei encourages.

Chlo shakes her head at both of us, muttering "Reina..."

Chlo drags me- walks me- to the car and I sit in the passenger while Rei takes the backseat whole to herself.

Chlo starts the engine as Rei jumps, excited.

"How are you seventeen, again?" I ask her.

"I don't know. That's a very tough question for someone who was born just seventeen years ago." She replies.

I share a look with Chlo as she just shrugs.

"Ok. Now, you need to recognise them, based on my descriptions, okay?" Rei orders, wiggling her eyebrows.

I nod at her, unable to contain my laughter at her weird expression.

"Don't Laugh!" She whines.

"Reina Perez, I think you should describe them first and then contest her to a try not to laugh challenge." Chlo taunts.

"True." Rei agrees, nodding her head a bit too vigorously. "Anyway, You already know me and Chlo. Next is Reece, Aaron, Nick, Chris and Cade"

"Ok.." I drag.

"Reece Perez is my brother. half Mexican, like me. They call him hot but I call him burnt." She whispers the last bit.

Chloe laughs at that along with me.

"Caden Rodriguez is Chlo's brother. He is the dummy of our group." Rei informs as Chlo agrees with her.

"We're twins actually. You'd think I'm elder than him after seeing him." Chlo says.

"Next is Aaron Kingston. I can agree on the attractive part but the expression needs improvement. He'd murder someone if he could legally"



"Damn," I say as Chlo looks at me, weirdly. "What?"

"You already know him, don't worry." She laughs.


"I do?" Me and Rei say at the same time. Me being the latter.

"Yep. You'll see." She points out.

"Nicklaus Miller. Nick for short. The weirdo. Has zero romantic interest in human beings. Too bad girls like him." Rei says, shaking her head. "Then, Christopher Darnell. The player. Honestly, he isn't that attractive. I mean, I'd rate him a zero to of ten and that's a very big rating for him."

"Reina shut up. Chris is an amazing guy. Just a very confusing guy. He doesn't fuck people like that but sure sends very mixed signals." Chlo tells me.

Reina shakes her head disapprovingly at him.

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