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Blinding Lights | The Weeknd

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The silence of the room is only broken by the sound of my ragged and annoyed breath as I glare at his retreating figure.

What just happened?

I stare at the stairs in front of me as he disappears into his room.

Ten seconds later, footsteps echo in the hall, and I turn to my right, where the footsteps stop, and Reece looks at me, amused.

"What's with that look?" He asks, amusedly, walking to the counter behind me. His chestnut hair was swept back as if he ran in the wind.

"I'm in my frustrated German Shepherd mode." I let him know, exhaling through my nose.

"You look like an angry chihuahua, if anything." He comments, throwing his coat on the peg. I scowl at him as he chuckles at me.

I groaned in frustration as I struggled to come up with an answer that wouldn't give me away. Just as I was about to reply, a door slammed shut, and I heard hurried footsteps rushing down the stairs.

Aaron appears, dressed in the same pants and a black tee- with his muscles very prominently outlined, and winks at me when Reece turns away. I scowl at him just as Reece turns to us.

"She's just shocked," Aaron replies to me.

Reece raises an eyebrow at him and then at me, "By what?"

"By the fact that I'm so hands-"

I was going to agree that he was quite handsy, but then I doubt he'd say that instead of handsome.

"No," I replied firmly before he could complete the sentence. "Just couldn't believe that one could be as ugly as you."

Then, I turned to a chuckling Reece, away from the boy who was rolling his eyes. Reece was cutting fruits and placing them into small, cute bowls.

"You like pineapple?" I asked him, looking at the pineapple pieces he was placing in the bowls.

"Oh yeah. He loves pineapple juice too." Aaron says, biting into a strawberry that was left on the cutting board.

"Shut up," Reece rolls his eyes and passes me a bowl, replying to my question. "Yeah, and here."

"Oh no, I don-" I obstruct.

"I'm not hearing it." Reece interrupts my denial and passes me a fork to go with.

"Alright then." I smile and take it, placing myself on one of the barstools as I shove a piece of watermelon into my mouth. I pick out all the pineapple pieces and drop them back onto the board.

I didn't like pineapple at all. The tingly sensation when I tasted it the first time, made my throat itchy and I never really wanted to experience it again. I wasn't allergic to it but I decided a good distance from pineapple would be beneficial to me.

I look around, finding the house quiet, except for Liam and Reece's small talk.

"Where's Chris and Caden?" I suddenly ask, remembering that Chris had a piano event in a month.

"Here, m'lady." I hear a voice say it from behind me, and I wait for them to walk in front.

Chris smiles at me as Caden unloads the grocery bags onto the counter.

"Ooooh, fruits!" Caden exclaims, grabbing one of the bowls and taking a seat on the bar stool beside mine.

"We brought groceries and some treats for Whiskey," Chris explains, putting the stuff they bought, onto the platform.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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