
820 19 5

I woke up early in the morning by a maid knocking on my door. I stood up and groggily let them in. Why do I even have maids here?

"Ms. Greenly we apologize that we are late" they said in unison bowing

I tried to pry my eyes open and look at the alarm clock beside me. It was 5 in the freaking morning! Who wakes up at 5 in the morning?

I shook my head "It's okay"

They started pushing me to the bathroom and unbuttoning my pajamas. My eyes bolted open and I started to panic.

"What are you doing?" I said to them gripping my pajamas together

"You need to take a bath" one said bowing "It is a necessity, please let us-"

"Stop!" I screamed "I can do this on my own. Please just let me bathe on my own"

The maids looked at each other and finally bowed leaving me in the bathroom. I sighed and let myself sink in the already filled bath tub. I'm still here inside a castle... I'm not actually sure what I'm suppose to do here. I'll probably just roam around and try to avoid people as much as possible.

I let my thoughts drift as I bathed and once I got out the maids were standing there waiting for me. They pushed me to a chair and started fixing it in a seriously tight updo. Then they helped me into the most fluffiest gown I have ever seen in my life. My phone rang and I tried to reach it as the two maids were doing makeup.

"Hello?" I answered

"Lauren! where the hell are you?" Gwen shouted or in her case said "We left you for 5 hours and the next thing we knew you were gone for two days! You weren't even answering your phone or at least text us"

"Oh... sorry" I said mentally smacking my face as to why I forgot to inform them

"Where the hell are you?" she said her voice worried

"Uhh...well it's actually a funny story you see I'm in Quevania right now" I said making my voice smaller in shame

"What are you doing in Quevania!" Gwen shouted I heard Mike at the background saying something about Quevania being Cameron's hometown to Gwen.

"Wait a minute... Wait a minute..." Gwen's voice became serious all of a sudden "Don't tell me you're in Quevania with Cameron right now"

"Uhh...Umm..." I fidgeted nervously thinking of a great excuse "Well... by right now you mean at this very moment that I'm talking to you that would be a no. But if you're asking if I am with Cameron for more than 10 hours a day here in Quevania then yes"

"What the hell, Lauren! why didn't you tell me this?"

"Ms. Greenly" one of the maids excused

"Later, Gwen, I love you with all my heart talk to you later bye" I hung up before Gwen could say anymore and turned my attention to the maids. For some reason I could feel their judging eyes slowly observing me so they could spread a rumor in the castle.

"You are now done" they said in unison "Please go down to the dinning area they are now serving breakfast"

I nodded and in one full turn they bolted out the door faster than a Ferrari. I observed myself in the mirror and tried to smile. Oh well... better make a good impression.


"So where do you study, Lauren?" Hilary one of Cameron's aunts questioned me "Probably not G&W Academy I presume, you don't look like the smart type"

"Yes, even our own daughter didn't get in" Gerald her husband commented "With your looks you don't even need to get a high school degree you can just marry an old rich man and get their money, am I right?"

The whole table laughed and I was this close to shoving all the bread inside their mouths so they could all die choking. It hasn't even been 15 minutes yet and they're all up my nerves. They won't stop interrogating me and making me feel like a small person.

Cameron was nowhere to be seen and I was all alone answering their questions. I faked laughed with them gripping my fork so hard that I could feel it having a dent.

"So... What school do you go to?" Ida Cameron's grandmother asked drinking a glass of lemon water

"G&W Academy" I answered. Everyone's expression turned to disbelief and they all quieted down. Hilary's face turned angry and then covered it with a smile.

"You study in G&W Academy?" she repeated rubbing her finger tips "A girl like you?"

A girl like me? What does she mean 'a girl like me'?

"Yes... A girl like me" I answered my voice cracking at the end

"Oh honey" Gerald suddenly bursted out "How could we forget her family owns the school!"

Hilary's eyebrows shot up "So that's why!"

I turned to her in confusion she gave me a sly smile "Of course you'll pass in G&W your father own the school he could make you pass even if you fail the test"

She grabbed a glass of water and placed it on her lips "Pretty unfair if you ask me but... we all do whatever it takes to get the best" she finished then sipped her water.

Mother fucker! I inhaled and exhaled trying to keep my breathing normal. I studied a whole year just for the entrance exam in G&W! I did it on my own without anyone helping me! God, I can't handle this... They are even worse than my father. I can't... Oh shit, I have never wanted anybody to die as much as I want her to.

"Where's Cameron?" Ida asked standing up "We will start the meeting in the office in 20 minutes"

Everyone just shrugged and she excused herself. She left the room guards making a salute as she pass by and on cue the couple stood up. Hilary continued to look at me dirtily and sighed.

"Nice meeting you for a while, Lauren" She said in a pity voice "So sad we won't be seeing you again"


"Oh don't tell me you don't know!" she said putting on a shocked face "Of course, why would Cameron share such a private matter to you?"

"Cameron has an arranged marriage to the daughter of the duke of Clerion" Gerald informed me "You are nothing but a sideline"

They looked at me one last time before leaving the dining area. I pounded my fist on the table as soon as the door closed letting my anger cool down. I wanna get out of here now! This place is hell itself God I finally found it!

I kind of understand now what Cameron grew up to. In this situation you don't really have anything to do but to try to not get it to you. You have to not care, but damn they affected me so hard. I shook my head as what Hilary said replayed inside my mind and sadness started creeping up inside me.

Huh, arranged marriage?

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