His House

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Shocked...that was my first reaction after realizing who Cameron Warner was. I sat down and drank Gwen's water.

"Gwen?" I looked up to her and she looked shocked herself

Mike cleared his throat "Well I guess you finally realized who he is, Cameron Warner is Richard Warner's son"

"But... but... I thought he's living in Europe why is he here?" I asked

"Yeah nobody knows why but rumors say that his father is sick and he's the only person who can inherit his riches and businesses so he came back" Mike explained

"So wait a minute..." Gwen shouted "you're telling me that Cameron Warner is the son of Richard Warner?"

"Correct" Mike said popping a tenderloin steak into his mouth

"And... since Richard Warner owns half of the school and his son attends here that means..." she looked at me "You, Lauren Greenly, aren't the only one who can run this school anymore"

What is she talking about? I have been student body president for years now and I'm admired by many people. If there's one person who can run this school, it's obviously me and I won't have some random cocky exchange student take that away from me.

We let the topic go when people started screaming and crowding the door.

"What the hell is going on there?" I asked

Mike just shrugged and went back to eating his tenderloin and Gwen replied "Just ignore it... it will die out"

I was suppose to ignore them but they were getting really annoying and I noticed other people getting disturbed. This is the first time I ever encountered something like this. People here are usually more behaved and well mannered. Then they started to scream louder than before and that's where they crossed the line. Where did these girls think they were, at a concert? I stood up and went to where the shouting was.

"Excuse me..." I said and made my voice louder "Excuse me, could you all quiet down?"

No one was listening to me!

What was going on anyway? At this point I was really annoyed and couldn't contain it anymore "WHAT IN JESUS CHIRST IS GOING ON HERE?" I shouted "THIS IS NOT A FREAKIN CONCERT, OKAY? YOU ARE ALL DISTURBING OTHER STUDENTS!"

The crowd quieted down as they heard me and people slowly turned to look at me. I heard a loud laugh and people gave way as Cameron appeared from the crowd laughing.

"Nice to meet you again, red faced girl" he says mockingly "Wow! I didn't know you had such temper it matches the color"

God! I knew it was him who was causing all this commotion. "Everyone, please go back to your tables" I say trying to keep my anger to a minimum.

People started going back to there seats including Cameron "You!" I shouted at him, he turned slowly and looked at me "don't do this again it's disturbing other people"

"And who are you to tell me what to do and what not to do?" he asked "and for the record, I didn't do anything wrong I was just entering the cafeteria when all of a sudden people started crowding me so I'm the victim here"

I was about to reply when the speakers sounded "Dear Students, there will be a welcoming ceremony at the gym later after this announcement thank you"

God dammit! I forgot about the welcoming ceremony. I haven't even prepared myself yet. I moaned in annoyance and Cameron was looking at me in amusement. I looked at him angrily "Don't think I'm done with you, if I ever caught you causing this sort of trouble again I swear I'll...".

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