Day One

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Motherfucking Cameron!

I said to go easy on me last night! I specifically said to take it slow since I was new to sex and all. I stared up at the ceiling unable to get up. I woke up thirty minutes ago and Cameron wasn't beside me. I was suppose to find him downstairs but I couldn't. Why you may ask? Well... it's because I can't move my motherfucking legs! They hurt so fucking bad I flinch every time I move them.

I once daydreamed that after I had sex for the first time with the guy I love I would wear his shirt and make breakfast while he's still asleep. But no I won't be able to do that because I'm stuck up here paralyzed like the Professor X that I am. Dammit! I should be making pancakes right now and bopping my head to some old song.

Don't get me wrong here, Cameron was actually really gentle and kind... the first time! After that his true colors started to show and let me tell you the man is a motherfucking beast. I can now understand why girls have been throwing themselves to him the first week he attended G&W. He was good in bed. No. Great. No. A freaking GOD in bed. Cameron is freaking Eros in flesh.

It might be my first time but I know how to judge if it's good or bad sex, alright? I listen to Gwen's sex problems all my life and I know what she's talking about. Plus, I have watched porn influenced by her and I can honestly say Cameron is 10x better than the guys in porn. He mixed passion, hard, sexy and romantic all at the same time.

I sat upright on the bed and stared at my legs. They're not hurting from pain like awhile ago so I guess they're a little healed. I took Cameron's shirt on the bed and wore it. It's the comfiest thing I have ever worn and it still smelled like him like perfume and man. I tried moving my legs to the side. WORST IDEA EVER. Pain shoot up my legs faster than lighting and I bit down a scream. This hurts much more than losing my virginity. How did Cameron even manage to make my legs this weak?

I puffed in air through my mouth and readied myself to stand up. On the count of three. You can so this, Lauren. You're a fighter!


I pushed myself off the bed and stood up proudly. I was standing! It was hurting but I was standing! I shrieked in happiness and made a mental celebration in my mind. Though it didn't last as I fell to the floor ending the party in my head.

My legs gave up on me and I fell to the floor with a loud thump. I can't believe this! I can't even stand up! When I thought it couldn't get any worse my stomach made a loud churning sound and I realized I was hungry.

WHERE THE HELL IS CAMERON! This is his fault my legs are hurting! He should be helping me right now not leaving me alone to die crippled and hungry.

Know what? Fuck it, I'll just crawl. I dragged my useless legs with me as I made it to the door and opened it. I hope Cameron won't find me crawling like this or it would be the most humiliating thing ever. I was on the top of the staircase when I heard Cameron's voice.

"It's my last favor" he said through the phone "I need it tonight"

I sat still and couldn't help but eavesdrop. What favor? What is Cameron planning?

"Yes" he said "I'll pay you tonight full"

He seemed to ended the call because I heard Cameron sigh and started to walk back up the stairs. I panicked and started to crawl as fast I could back to the room.

"What are you doing?" I heard Cameron ask from behind me

Busted! I looked at Cameron behind me looking at me weirdly. He was so handsome in the morning. He didn't have any shirt on and I couldn't help but look at his godly form. How did I get a man like this to become my boyfriend? I have to offer a feast to the Gods for thanks. He was only wearing black joggers and he looked hot in them.

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