Admitting it

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I hate him... I hate him, I hate him, I hate him. Why God? What did I do to deserve this? I couldn't answer back at him. I couldn't come up with anything, for the first time in how many months I was speechless.

Suddenly the door bursted open and Cameron in once again in an incomplete uniform entered the room. He had his hands inside his pockets and a smirk on his face. He looked handsome enough that some of the girls from Brook High Academy actually swooned. He winked at the girls and I heard some sharp intake of breaths.

I rolled my eyes at his confidence. His aura alone could match the cockiness of the whole Brook High clan with just walking. He walked right pass us and sat on the President's chair at the end of the table.

Everyone stared at him as he leaned in on his chair and observed his surroundings. His eyes scanned the room and stopped on Damien's hands on my chin. His expression turned to anger as he straightened in his seat. He looked at me first then stared at Damien fiercely.

"Are you gonna let go of her?" Cameron asked tapping his fingers on the table

Damien looked at him for a moment before releasing my chin. He laughed annoyingly and clasped his hands "You must be Cameron Warner, let me introduce myself. My name is Damien Goldwyn from Brook High Academy"

Cameron grunted "I don't remember screwing someone's girlfriend from your school if that's what you're wondering"

Damien laughed "You must have been mistaken, you see... We're here to deliver a warning to G&W that Brook High is the next top school and your school should just back down and watch us rein"

It was Cameron's turn to laugh "Ahh I this is what this is" Cameron met my eyes for a while his expression softening before returning to Damien again "Well I don't think that's possible"

"It says in the polls last week"

Cameron stood up and walked his way to us. He shoved his hands on his pockets "And... have you checked this weeks polls?"

"No they don't release it till this afternoon but your school is 38 points away, you won't be able to keep up. And...for all I know the president doesn't give a shit enough to do something about it"

Cameron stood before Damien being a 6'3 that he is he looked mightier than Damien who was 5 inches shorter. He looked down on him "Who says I don't give a shit?"

I have to admit, In a weird kind of way I felt like Cameron was my savior. He was standing up for G&W and I felt really grateful to him. My heart actually fluttered as I watched how cool he was doing it. I looked around the room and peoples were waiting in anticipation. One girl was even recording it on her phone.

Cameron and Damien threw daggers with their stares. "Better check the polls now" Cameron said "Or you could do it at home where nobody would see you cry"

"You think you're so cool huh?" Damien huffed in irritation. He took out his phone and opened a file tapping it furiously.

After a minute Damien looked at Cameron in awe and shock "H..How did you-"

Cameron grinned and leaned on the table crossing his arms "You see, I take my role as president seriously. I may not be here as needed but it does not mean I don't keep updated on what's going on in my school. Now I suggest that the next time you barge in our school asking for war better be prepared cause G&W ... doesn't like losing" Cameron glanced at me smiling then returned his eyes to them "I think you can show your way out, it was a pleasure meeting you"


After school someone uploaded the battle between Cameron and Damien on Youtube. It hit a hundred thousand views and was made a really big issue all over other schools. It even trended on Twitter and G&W is now known to have a hot president. I looked up the polls right after that and was surprised to see that we jumped 40 points. I didn't know when or how Cameron did it but I was really impressed. I wasn't expecting that about him.

"What are you making?"

I jumped in surprise as Cameron sat down on one of the stools and watched me amused. I glanced away from him.

"Spaghetti" I answered and stirred the noodles

"Yes! my favorite" Cameron exclaimed putting his chin on his palms and watched me make it

I suddenly became uncomfortable with him staring and fidgeted. Why is he watching me? Doesn't he have anything better to do? Where are the others?

"It's about time you started being aware of me" Cameron murmured lowly that I almost didn't hear it "I've been trying to grab your attention since I first moved in here"

I dropped the fork I used to stir the noodles with and faced him. He was staring at me seriously no hint of joke in his face. I shook my head, I can't understand him.

"Cameron I-" My sentence was cut when my phone suddenly rang. I excused myself and went inside the room to answer it.


"Lauren!" Gwen screamed giving my ears a serious damage "Have you seen the video?"

"What?" I asked sitting down in the bed "Oh, is that about the Brook High Academy thing?"

"Yes!" she once again screamed. I was starting to wonder how louder would she be in stage "Why didn't you tell me? Everyone's been talking about it! Cameron was so cool he's now more heartthrob than ever even girls from different schools have a crush on him"

"Oh" I said quietly "I didn't know about that"

"Uh oh Is something wrong, Lauren?" Gwen asked now seriously "You know... I heard you were sleeping in Austin's apartment and Cameron is also there"

"Hm? ahh yeah" I looked down on the floor my heart filling with regret "I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier"

"You are being quite distant these past days. Are you having problems? Remember that I'm your best friend and you can talk to me about it"

I laughed "Thanks"

"On the brighter side at least you can now go on with your plan on destroying Cameron, right?"

Oh... yeah I forgot about that. I scratched my head as Gwen kept talking on the phone. I half listened to her speak as I wondered of to my own thoughts. Wow, I don't even know if I want to continue my plan on Cameron. I mean... is it worth it?

I lay down on the bed and thought about it for a while. Why am I suddenly having second thoughts? Is this like one of those movies when the bad girl has a change of heart? But I'm not THAT bad... am I? Oh no, Will he be seriously hurt when I continue it?.... I don't want to hurt him though. I sprang up on the bed putting my hand on my face. I closed my phone not bothering to say goodbye to Gwen.

When I look at it in a different way of course we argue a lot but mostly he's really nice. The way he spent time with Emma or the fact that he defended G&W awhile ago, the things he does.... it's really admirable.

"Oh no" I whispered "Oh no no no no no no no"

This can't be happening! It can't! It's weird and absurd and totally out of the line! I screamed as I realized it in my head

The door swung open and I was face to face with Cameron. His facial expression was full of concern as he waited for me to reply.

"What's wrong, Lauren?"

I took in his grey eyes... his thin nose... his thick eyelashes... his high cheekbones, the way his hair falls over his forehead. I stared at him like my world depended on seeing him. My heart thumped faster and faster as I stared at him more. Finally, I exhaled in defeat, I can't believe it...

I.... I like Cameron

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