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And... I was wrong


"Cameron your alarm clock, turn it off" I nudged him with my elbow "Cameron! Turn off that godamn alarm clock!"

He moaned and shifted on his side completely ignoring me. Irritated I reached over him and patted the sidetable to find the alarm clock. When I finally found it I punched it to snooze and sighed at the silence. Making my way back to my side Cameron's hand suddenly shot out and grabbed my wrist. In one swift move he was on top of me pinning me to the bed and my hands at the side of my head.

"What the..." I wiggled under his grip "What the hell do you think you're doing!"

"Well goodmorning to you too" He leaned in grinning "Are you always grumpy?"

My heart suddenly beated faster as my mind finally woke up from it's slumber and registed the situation at hand. He was so close to me that I could see the sparkle in his eyes obviously enjoying our position. I breathed in his boyish smell and took in on how handsome he is even when he just woken up. His hair was tousled and went up in different directions and his eyes looked smaller and sleepier.

"Get off of me!" I yelled at him "This is considered sexual harassment you know! I could file for a lawsuit!"

"Well then... I better make it more sexual if it's worth going to court for" he says to me

The door suddenly opened interrupting us both "Lauren I-" Penelope stood at the hallway wide eyed looking at us "I'm sorry I didn't... please continue!" she panicked closing the door

I wriggled my way out of Cameron and stood on top of the bed staring at where Penelope just stood "Oh great! now she thinks we were making out"

"Let her use her imagination" he said in a bored voice

I picked up a pillow and smacked it across his face "Jerk, if you ever do that again I swear you won't live to see tomorrow"


After I made breakfast Penelope insisted on a chick flick marathon and we snuggled closely as we watched last summer's top chick flick 'Pieces of You'

"I could die happily just looking at Daniel Striker" Penelope gushed "I heard he's studying now" she sighed dreamily "That's so responsible of him to still finish studies despite he's work"

I watched Daniel Striker's character Ian confess his love to a girl who is unmistakably familiar to me. Just in cue Cameron walked right pass us and stopped to see what we were watching.

"Hey, Austin look" Cameron called to him "It's Striker and Harper"

Austin walked from the kitchen and took the spot beside Cameron to watch the movie "I didn't know they had a new movie"

"You guys know them?" I asked

"Met their group a few times in parties" Austin informed us "They were one hell of a party people. Every party with them in it feels like Project X all over again"

Noah entered the living room rubbing his eyes with his hair still perfectly groomed.

"How do you do that?" Penelope asked Noah astonished

"Do what?"

"Waking up and still have perfect hair. It's so fixed that it's starting to creep me the hell out"

I looked at Noah and his hair WAS still perfect. I've also wondered about that too. His hair has always been perfectly gelled and no signs of hair was standing up.Unlike me, my hair looked like a freaking lion's maine if I didn't fix it. Huh, maybe I needed tips from him.

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