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Do you know that feeling when you're happy everything else looks shinier?

Well... Everything looks polished clean in my perspective. In other words I'm extremely happy. I walked the halls of G&W my head held up high and my smile so wide it reached my ears.

"Lauren!" Gwen yelled from her locker "What's with the smile?"

"Nothing" I answered her opening my locker "Why?"

"It's creeping me out" she admitted leaning on the lockers "Stop it! or you'll have half of the boys in this school falling for you"

I rolled my eyes and blushed "It doesn't matter anymore anyways"

"You're not telling me something" Gwen looked at me curiously "Lauren Greenly spill it! What happened when you were in Quevania!"

"Quiet down!" I whispered "I'll tell you everything later right now I have to-"

"CAMERON!" a girl suddenly screamed running through the hallways. She was soon followed by all the girls and not longer they crowded the front door.

They made way as the four boys entered the school led by Cameron. I crossed my arms and suddenly became irritated the minute I saw Cameron as he once again not wearing his uniform correctly. He wore black pants with combat boots and a white polo shirt and the G&W blazer. His hair was the usual bedroom hair but a little longer now and covered his forehead.

The boys were also wearing the uniform incorrectly. Austin had a longer coat and multiple scarves around his neck. Spencer had a leather jacket on and a plain white shirt. Noah... he's the only one who's close to wearing it correctly. He was just not wearing the tie and had on a different blazer. They were hot and fashionable I get it but it was still going against school rules.

I stared at them as they made chaos on the hallways. I was about to approach them to tell them off when a girl from the lower grade gave Cameron a cupcake shaped like a heart. I stopped walking and watched as he accepted it and returned it with a kiss on her cheek. I felt my heart tighten and fill with jealousy and anger.

I began to tap my heels on the floor and crossed my arms. What does he think he's doing kissing other girls cheeks when he knows that I'm around. He's such a playboy! I strode my way to where they were and stop right in front of them.

The shouting stopped as soon as the people saw me and the whispers began. I looked at Cameron angrily and waited for him as he picked up another gift from the crowd. He gave her a kiss on the cheek too which made the girl blush red.

I cleared my throat and Cameron's attention moved to me. He smirked and stood up straight prepared on what I was about to say.

"Good morning, vice president" Cameron said his mouth twisting at the side "Had a lovely spring break?"

He was teasing me... I could see it in his face.

"It was pleasant" I answered back

"I bet it was" he grinned "I for one had a marvelous time that is until last night"

He was still mad about last night, I knew it!

"Sorry to hear that" I faked a smile "Sounds like you were really upset"

"Oh, I still am"

"What's going on here?" Austin asked Noah his eyes on both of us "The atmosphere is strange"

"I think they fought" Noah answered "Again"

My eyes dropped to the cupcake in his hand and my eyebrows shot up "What do you have there?"

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