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"Reena, you still didn't answer ."

Aadhya asked to reena .

"What?" Asked Reena being confused of a sudden question.

"How can you be so calm Even after the man spoiled all our flowers?"

That made reena sigh and she answered.
"Aadhya, haven't you seen it was a gangster . If we had backfired then it would only end up in a fight . I don't want to be in any mess and do you think that goon will leave us . And if my di gets to know then it would be my last day . I promised her that I won't be in a trouble."

" Why you love your sister so much ?" Aadhya asked

"Why are you asking such question ?  I love my sister alot more than anyone in the world." Reena answered confidently.

"Does your loves you the same way "

"Yes"Reena said without a doubt . Well who knows does ramika sen ,the great leader , loves her sister the same way her sister does.

"Reena, today am going for a party in XYZ club . I want you to join . "

"What! Me ? Noo . I won't come ."


"I don't like "

"Oh really ?"


" You have never been  on a party ?"

"I hope no "

" that's why . You are coming with me and that's final."


"Rocky , when will you assassinate davood."
Chacha asked.

"Today at night . He is used to end his days by partying . So Same am gonna end his life in the club only ."rocky said filing the bullets InHis pocket gun.


Party seemed to be lighten up the old club. Every are busy to sway their body according to the rhythm except two,

Rocky , who is seen to charge himself with his favorite drink alcohol in the barcounter .

on the other side .

Reena, who is sitting at an isolated couch in the club.she was getting disturbed with the atmosphere.

Their played another song . "Dum mark dum"

Rocky drowned into the precious memories of his life .

While reena holded her head as started to get some flashes . She could feel herself paling and started to search her clucth for her medicine to Know that she forgot to bring them on her trip . She cursed herself cos she knows without them she would be having sleepless nights . She grabbed the nearby glass of water to calm herself down and rushed out of the club not before informing aadhya that she is living.

Rocky left the club to assassinate davood and yes he completed his mission .

Reena was purchasing her medicine from the pharmacy and that's when her glanced turned to the road .

a little girl's dog slipped from her hand . The girl ran to get catch of the dog  not knowing that a car is about to hit her .

Reena palmed her face to not meet the accident . But someone saved the little girl . That's nun other our Rocky Bhai.

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