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Next day

Rocky swinged the glass in his hand making the liquid in it to wave with the ice cube .

Taking a sip . Alcohol passed through his throat making him satisfied .

" Alcohol is the best medicine to frost one's feeling . Especially the feeling of missing someone " her deep voice hitted his ears making him snap at her  . Who took the glass from him and took another sip .

" I traveled miles away from US to be with you in India and you were trying to ignore me " she said in her cold voice and the bearded man stared at her .

" Anyway i missed you alot " she said with a smile and taking another sip she gave him his glass whispering  in an seductive tone" now it might taste better than before"

She smirked as he took it from her . But her smirk flew away as she was returned with his devilish smirk after making the poor glass shatter on the floor .

Humiliation was evident in her face but she thought to conceal them with a question
"Where were you ?"

Rocky turned his glaze to farmaan who entered the scenario hearing the sound of the glass broke .

" Farmaan , why you let unwanted people inside mansion"

" She got by herself Bhai "

" Nice way to divert th topic rocky " she said , not letting her tone Down .

" Answer me where you were and who was the one with you "

" It's nun of your business "

"It's not...... . It's not my business . It's shouldn't be my business even after you  attending her funeral right?"
She said . To earn a bloodshot glare from him .


Days passed .

" Reena beti there's someone to meet you " Maya said entering her room

Making reena switch her eyes from ghe book she was reading .

" Meet me ?" She found it odd as the only people who used to meet her in house was rishab and aadhya .


Her face flew all the color as she saw the guest .

What she is doing here ?

" Good evening , miss reena " the woman said smile which others call a evil smile .

" Myself cerena , cerena Rajput " she said forwarding her hand to reena who stared at her not understand the motive of her visit .

" Come have a seat near me "

Settling on the couch cerena started .

"You seem to literate and also the sister of the pm . Then why need a roadside flower shop " she asked .

"I like flowers "

" You like flowers !"  She exclaimed in an taunting way .

"Not because  of lack of money right ?" She taunted again looking around the house .

" Excuse me ?"

"  the house seem to big but it would be a government property . Not owned by you all right ?"

" You know what I am called as most wealthiest and sexiest woman in US . It is indeed true . You would know till my rocky's arrival my father owned most of the institutional building in  US and all those were owned on my name, followed by several other mansions ."
Reena felt irritated with her nepotism  wala talk and looked at her being alerted as she mentioned him ' her '.

"Why you wanted to meet me ?" Reena asked maintaining a cold voice.

" From two years am trying to succeed in something but I found a huge stuck right now from  reach my success . "

" What you mean ?" Reena asked not able to understand.

" Rocky is someone who no woman would like to  deny . Same goes in my case . I can't deny the fact that I love him or I want him . But I have a bad habit reena "

" If I wish for something I make sure it be mine . But if I find a trouble in making it mine or I find it is not being mine then i also make sure it shouldn't be anybody's  ."

Reena gave her a ' why should I know all this '  look .

" I love him from last two years but he is choosing to be with  you maybe or maybe not but I find you as a trouble for me to reach him . So just letting you know to don't yearn for him as it is hell dangerous till I love him ." She told to reena in an dangerous tone .

Reena was about to reply her but stopped sensing someone's presence she looked around to find her sister looking at her .

" Oh !" Cerena exclaimed dramatically getting up from seat to meet the pm .

" Myself cerena Rajput "

While the pm ignored her hand and gave her a 🙏 .

" Your name seemed know . Oh are you the daughter of kabir Rajput . "

While cerena nodded .

" I heard of you Father alot . never met him . But I never knew she was your friend reena " ramika snapped at reena .

" We are not friends " cerena replied .

" We met to talk over a serious matter "

" Talk ? Over what

" Yes , actually we do have a common friend . So just to let her know a important notice"

" Common friend ? Who is also your friend ? Who is it ? "

" Roc....." Cerena started but interrupted by reena " yuva "

" Yuva ?"
Reena nodded

" Anyway I think I must leave " cerena said taking a look at her expensive wristwatch and glanced at reena " hope you would remember what I said "


Even though cerena came to threaten  her she actually benefited as she  assumed by the way cerena talked , rocky might have rejected her proposal .

And that made a new ray of hope in her to trust rocky again .


Scene 1

She looked at him being unable to digest the fact and questioned herself " I am married ?"

Scene 2

" What are you  doing ?" The woman asked seeing her packing her suitcase . " Am leaving !" The girl replied . " Where ?" She interrogated again . " To KGF"


An update with no roeena moments 🥺

Please complete the given target to complete for a double update .



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