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Forcing her to break the hug . Rocky removed his Blazer to wrap it around her and that's when farmaan entered with a box .

" Bhai treat your wound "

" No need . It will get fine itself ."

"It won't " rocky eyes traveled to the owner of voice to get surprised to find his Sona there .

"Bhabhi, I asked you to stay there right "

While reena didn't paid him heed and took the box from him walking towards rocky .

Taking an ointment from it she took his wounded hand delicately to get snatched by cerena .

" Yes rocky it Should be treated ."

Reena felt hurt as she snacthed rocky's hand from her and dragged him to the street bench forcing him to settle there with her.

"You know I should practice from now only to treat . Or else everyday one of another brutal on you . After  marriage who would look after you ? Me right "

"Rocky listen . for me ,you should care for yourself . Something happens to you then who is there for me ?"

"Stop it cerena " rocky gritted at her which was only audible to her .

" Or ha what important work you have here than our marriage ha ?"

"Marriage ?" Reena questioned but cerena ignored and continued to speak .

"There marriage preparations have reached it's edge . Now it's just you who is missing for marriage "

" What you want cerena ?"

" What happened rocky ? Why are you getting angry on me ?"

"Farmaan drop her wherever she lives "

"What you mean by that rocky ? Am your fiance and I should stay at there where my to be husband owns a huge pentahouse right?"

" Stop it cerena and leave "

" Fine but you should drop me "

" Farmaan take her "

" No I won't goo"

" farmaan "

"Why should I go with him when you are here "

" Don't eat my head and leave "

Cerena sighed .

"Fine and what you gonna do "

"Why do you care "

" Because I am your to be wife " she said kissing onto his cheek with a smirk .

That was enough for reena to leave the place tears preeking their ways to see him with another woman who is claiming to his fiance .

Rocky on sensing her misunderstanding pushed cerena and followed her .

Cerena just played a game to see the woman's affection towards rocky . But the way Rocky is worring for her made clear that she should be someone she should get rid for her path .


"Sona "


"Sona wait " he called get hold on her arm .

" Now what lie you wanna say "

" Listen "

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