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Reena smiled at her sister as a reply for her ' take care of yourself '

But a nervousness was hidden in that smile which didn't go unnoticed by the trio in the room .

Tej , assumed why would it will be while ramika didn't gave it much heed and Maya was clueless about it .


The family stayed in the entrance still they saw her dispatcher .

" Dinner is ready " Maya informed .

" Reena beti you can go upstairs after dinner " tej informed turning around to leave and reena nodded .

Snapping around again tej said " you can call him tooo "


Rocky remained his irritated face as he was already irritated with hide and seek sick of his wife and moreover a dinner now .

Awkward silence radiated the room .

" Maya , I think you forgot to bring curd " tej informed maya finding her not taking eyes from Rocky in such a way as if she saw an alien .

" Oh I think so . I will bring it now "

" No mayama. I will bring it " reena insisted and left in a hurry before maya could resist.

Letting out a deep breath rocky informed in his cold voice " tommorow I will take her with me "

" Where ?" Tej asked in shocked tone .

" US "

" Why ?"

" Why should I tell you ?" Fixing his eyes on the old man .

" Why shouldn't you tell him? He is her Father !" Maya said sternly .

" Lagtha hai my father in law didn't told about me to maya ma " he said with a grin .

Tej ignoring his speech continued .
" But if you take her . We don't know when ramika would come back . I will call her associates about her whereabouts and maybe you can take her " tej said shocking maya even more .

"  I am not asking permission  but just letting you know . And about sister in law , I don't care about it . Wheather she is present or absent to take my sona"

" His permission is needed  . He is silent that doesn't means you can do whatever regarding our reena .....  "

" Our Reena! For now I only plan for vacation of few days and you are having this much tadap  . I was visioning What would be your reaction when I take her forever and not even let a shadow of you all hit her ."

" We see how....."
Maya stopped as she heard tej saying . " Maya just stop it . Reena is comming

" What wrong here ?" Reena asked as soon as she caught the surrounding suspicious .

" Nothing Sona , just casual talks "


" What you told them " reena asked as soon as she reached room .

" What ?"

" Come-on Rocky I know you"

Rocky smiled before snaking his arms around her waist and whispered " we are leaving to US "

" Huh ? We ? To US ? " Rocky nodded

" Now ?"

Shooking his head in dissaproval he said " tommorow "

" But what if di finds out "

" What ? Sona I don't understand why all you are scared of her so much "

Reena kept mum and snuggling into him .


" Sir , how could you be so calm . Even after he said he would take her forever from us "

" What can I do . When it's the truth ?"

" What do you mean ? You are all ready to leave your angelic daughter to a gangster ?"

Tej kept mum while Maya continued.

" It's very clear that he is not so innocent "

" He loves reena "

" So ? Sir don't you think past is repeating "

" I do think to not talk about this "

" Don't you this is same what happened to our Ria and you are committing the same mistake . "

" It's not same maya. It's not same . She is reena not her "

Maya sighed .

" But don't you think you should get rid of him to save our reena "

" Why should I ? When he is her safest place "

" How could just blindly believe that he loves and he would save her "

" Because that's the truth "

He said before walking to leave get stopped by maya's question. " Don't you care for her ? What if he is taking her advantage ?"

Tej sighed finding no other way .

" Maya, you remember. Why reena is here ? "

Maya nodded

" We are not her real family . We are  no one to her . still we acting to be her family . But being  her only family he is acting to be a stranger to her . Doesn't that a indication of true love "

" Her only family ?"  Maya questioned again .

" Maya why reena is here ?"

" Because of her accident "

" Stop saying what you have byhearted maya "

" Means he is someone from her past "

" He is the same who ramika had signed a death warrant for in 1981"

" He is her husband ?" Maya asked being shocked after recollecting her memory .


Reena stirred in her sleep opening her eyes from her deep slumber.

She smiled as she saw rocky sleeping as she got seperated from him.

He is cute ! But only while sleeping !

Wait where I am  ?

She asked herself  as she looked around to find its  not her room .

" In US " she shooted a look at him .

" You were awake "

" Ofcourse  but I am not in mood to be " he said not opening his eyes but gave her a teasy smile .

" Huh?" She got confused but that only lasted till he pull her onto the bed on top of him .

" Leave me rocky"

" Why should I ? When I got a golden opportunity to romance around " he said finally opening his eyes .

" We came here to romance "
She asked while Rocky pecking her lips said " count it as a yes " before switching the sides Nd taking her under him .


Hope you like the update

And yes I don't know when the promo scene will take place but not definitely soon .



Thanks for reading

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