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I know the previous update good enough but still my dearest readers had fulfilled the  in just one day  so here you go with another one .

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" Where is he ?" She asked . She is hurt currently as he did fooled her as everyone else . He knew about her and lied to her all the while .

"Who ?" He chuckled as he was trying really hard to control his laughs .

"Where is my husband,  rocky ?"

Unknowingly a smile formed his lips but she took it a smirk .

Closing her suitcase , he hold her hand . " Enough talks now let's leave !"

Jerking  her hand apart she said " am not leaving "

" sona let's leave "

" I said I am not gonna leave to anywhere "

Rocky can't keep her on Delhi anymore as he know as  the ruler of kgf and probably the number of his enemy are increased and her safety was his first priority .

" You can't force me rocky " she completed .

Rocky sighed , last time,  he took her kgf forcefully and the punishment was 3 years so he didn't wish to commit the same mistake .

" Fine , you can stay here .  the kgf will wait for their queen's arrival . At anytime their queen shall be welcomed " he said smiling at her and left .


" His face looks like a road roller passed over it . He can't be match to our reena " aadhya mumbled annoyingly as Meera sticked new suspect on the wall with the other suspects  of being reena's husband .

"  I don't know why you guys are making it look like a criminal case . And we are searching for her husband not her murderer there is no need all this photos on the wall and crossing each." rishab said being Irritated .

" Are you jealous ? Rishab ?" Aadhya asked dramatically .

" For what should I ?"

" Because we have better plans for Reena "

" Will you guys stop fighting and concentrate " Reena said from behind  .

" You guys are disturbing me " she added .

Meera , aadhya and rishab exchanged  looks and stared at reena .

Who stared at them back taking another spoon of her gulab jamun .


" What about this Kamal ? She have even said  him being he fiance right?" Meera  insisted .

" If he is , then better I forget I am married !" Reena remarked rolling her eyes .

Rishab chuckled by Reena's reply and stated " he is not , he was killed in 1978 ............by rocky " reena turned her glaze as he mentioned him .

" Then who would it be ?" Aadhya asked .

" Reena ma'am there's someone to meet you " one of the maid informed .

Reena nodded leaving the room .


As soon as she recognised to see him somewhere but couldn't recollect completely.

He looked  happy seeing her and wide smile played .


2 hours left

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