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Sorry but forgot to ask how was the previous update

Also am I going off track ?

Anyway ,

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" She is hugely stressed which is not good for her health . Anyway I have given her the  glucose dose also I do prescribe for the check up .  You would need give her extra care now .  "  The doctor told to ramika ,who nodded her head and exchanged looked towards the trio friends of reena and left followed by Tej and maya.

" Wrong timing of hers " aadhya whispered to rishab as she glanced at reena by the room door .

" Anyway I am excited to become a chachii " she added with her eyes chiming with excitement .

Rishab snapped a look aadhya as she can only be like this in such a situation .


" What would we do now ?" Tej asked to his daughter .

" What can we do even ? " She replied back .

" Only you can do anything !"
Tej remarked and ramika snapped at him .

" And you think I would do anything ?" Her voice radiated sarcasm .


" Ree !?"

*Silence *

" Ree..... Stop stressing everyone I know you are stressed but you are making them also stressed .you....." Aadhya stopped as she sensed Meera pressing her shoulder .

She glanced at meera who gestured her to calm down as she was leaving soft weep behind .

" Reena..... What happened is happened what we can do now . " Meera started but stopped as she felt her as same emotionless .

" Atleast take the food ree " aadhya said from behind .

Turning her glance reena completely slipped her body into the matress , snapping her side , back facing them , closing her eyes to catch peace , pulling the blanket her .

The room was in complete silence .

" It's about to 9 arav would be here anytime " meera murmured to rishab and aadhya but it didn't made huge distance from her ears .

But the next the trio got jerked as they heard her out of nowhere.

" What would we doo  now ?" She said jumping on the bed .

" That's what we am asking yoh from the last ½ hour." Aadhya replied .

" Let arav come . We should have to face it "

Reena lowered her glance as she still couldn't accept him as her husband afterall the investigation have resulted .

But she thought it as Maybe it's because she still loved him.

" Everything will be fine reena " rishab said tapping her shoulder lightly finding her lost in her thoughts .

Knock! Knock! Knock !

The four turned their heads to the door to find the pm , but what surprised them was that there was smile on her face which wasn't often .

" Did I disturbed ?" She asked .

" Ofcourse not ma'am " rishab said gaining his conscience and maintaining a distance from reena .

" How is my little sister now ?" She asked maintaining the smile and settled beside reena on the bed , who simply stared at her .

Cupping her cheeks " you look pale . Heard you haven't taken the food sent by maya . " Looking at the food tray beside the bed and taking it in her lap .

" How is your investigations and all going , found your husband ?" She asked chuckling in between and forwarded a spoon of morsel to her .

Rolling her eyes she said " don't kid reena , take the food . You are weak and moreover your husband will be angry on me for making his pregnant wife strave "

Reena shooted a gaze " are you mocking me ? "

Ramika sighed nd her voice sounded  hurt . " Why would I ? "

" Because now you got a better opportunity to"

" Reena.......... Why you looking at me like a villain ?"

Reena turned her eyes as she couldn't see her sister crying for her .

" I love you Reena no matter if your not my Ria . I would always love you ,  " she stopped as reena hold her hands.

" Am sorry !" She whispered and hugged reena .

" Reena I was selfish ..... But I shouldn't be anymore .... "

Broking the hug .

"forgive me " cupping her face

" I did " reena replied smiling at her .

" Doctor told your stressing alot..........." Turning to the trio " are you guys are the reason " they shook their head in same rhythm .

Ramika smiled at Reena and took reena's hand in hers.

" I didn't thought you would give me such a good news Today . But I am happy dear ."

" Take rest " sliding out of the bed  and turned to the trio ." Take well care of my sister . "


The forced smile of hers faded as soon as ramika stepped out of her room and she glanced at her friends with the same hopeless look .

" Arav sir is here   reena beti !" Maya informed .

Reena nodded and looked at the food tray .

Atleast she couldn't risk her child this time.

She raised her eyebrows as she felt something stiff on her hand .

Oh it's a folded hard paper ......

left by dii?

The next second her heart pounding as she unfolded it was a cut off of a photo.

The next second her heart pounding as she unfolded it was a cut off of a photo

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I know , boring chap but this may continue I hope as I just lost the continuity to the story

Pls ignore mistake

And can suggest should I redo this chap

Thanks for reading

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