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Reena lips formed a smile seeing the rayed beauty of  village , there were no huge building to block the view of nature .the Sunray radiated the vision .

Reena snaped at the woman who gave her a glass of hot tea . Giving her a smile she burped the tea.

"He left!" The woman said finding her eyes searching around .

"He left?"

"He left to find a way to communicate "

Can't he live without farmaan?


" Sona , farmaan would be here anytime . We must leave by then "  he said spotting his sona on the hall .

" You came ? " She delighted .

"Yes!" Being confused he raised his eyebrow as she was way to thrilled and saw her marching towards him with hiding something behind not leaving her cute smile from her face " whats it?" He asked "surprise!" . "Suprise ? " He questioned , she nodded saying " yes , now close your eyes "
" why?"

"Do it rocky " she said palming his eyes .

Finding no option he closed and listened to her countdown .

"1.......2.......3.....tada!" He opened his and stared her with his emotionless face . "Whats it" her smile faded asking " a desert!"  Sounding obvious . "Don't I know ? "

" Then try it !" Forwarding the bowl to him . While he sighed before saying " don't you know I don't like sweets"

" But give it a try "

" I don't want it sona "

" please " using her weapon , puppy eyes .

" No " mimicking her tone

" Just for once " she said taking a spoon of it .

" Noo "

" Please !"

" Fine just one " reena smiled before thrusting the spoon into his mouth . And waiting for his response .

"How's it " she asked ,eyes sparkling with excitement . While he snapped at his queen finding her behavior odd . " It's good ?" She asked . While he hesitated nodded .

"Seriously ?" She asked to confirm , shooking his head he asked " why ?" But the reply shocked him "you know I made it " 

" Don't lie sona !"

" Really I made it " she said whining .

" Really ?" She nodded

" Is the kitchen safe sona " rocky asked faking concern and earning a frown from her .

Well he knew  she have committed to cook a multiple but end up with a misery but this was a miracle for him.


After taking lunch both left to city biding bye to the family . Reena felt sad to leave them as she loved the family alot in this one day .
Rocky as always didn't cared about anything . He is emotionless as always but he asked farmaan to stay still and do whatever help the family is in need .

At night

"Boom !" He made noice out of nowhere to scare the woman who was lost in her own thought .

But browed his eyebrow in a dramatic way saying " sona , by staying with me , you also became fearless "

" It's not fearless . It's that I know no one can enter my room from balcony expect you" she said leaning back .

" Feeling proud , my wife knows me very well" he expected a reaction as he called her his wife even after getting out of the village but he saw her having no reaction .

" What's wrong ?" He asked a

" Nothing , am just feeling sleepy " she said in slow voice before making her way to bed leaving him alone abd letting him in suspicious .

" Did something happened ?" He asked settling beside her .

"No" she lied lying on the other side of the bed . Each words of her sister ranged in her ears to form tears in her eyes. 


Snaping sides , the leader left a huge sigh .

I said too much!

Climbing out of the bed . she
Walked her way  .


"Ramika ? What are you doing here " as he spotted her before 'her' room

" Did I  said to much baba ?" She asked with her eyes sparkling another emotion.

Tej sighed understanding her inner turmoil .

" I think she's angry with me"glancing  at the closed doors

"You are the reason for it "

" What can I do ? She did wrong ! What she was doing  with him "

" Ofcourse ! She did wrong to stay with her husband " he taunted her and the leader snapped at him " Ramika , she was never wrong . It was you who was always wrong "

"Am doing it for her baba "

"No you are doing it for yourself ............. Why can't you understand   She's reena and you're trying to keep her away from her husband . "

" I will "

"Whatever you do I think she will end up with him only "

" I won't let that happen "

" Why you won't ?"

" Because she's my sister . "

Tej felt defeated as he saw possessiveness back with same emotion .

" It's already late , you must sleep . You have early flight right?" He said diverting the topic.

" Am not leaving "

" What "

" I can't leave  reena like this"

" Ramika you are overreacting over the matter"

" I will when the matter is about my sister ."

" I will take care of her . You should leave it's important "

" I know how you care "

" I will as much as I can . But I don't want my daughter to be irresponsible for the nation "


So if again it bored you but I think the upcoming chapters are interesting .

So stay tuned also I think this book gonna end soon .

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