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Reena gasped as he sealed his lips with her. An immediate spark passed through her vein when he gentled his rough one with her soft lips.

Rocky broke after couple , pressing his forehead with hers whispering " you are mine" against her lips.

" Are you drunk " Reena asked breathing heavily and gulping her saliva.

" Seems like sona tasted me very well."he said teasing her.

"Eww shameless " she said making faces and pushed him while rocky chuckled.


Reena stared at Rocky who was in deep slumber. She checked out his each features carefully.

She could hear his heartbeat by laying on his chest.

She smiled as she found hold her waist tightly as if someone would take her away.

Right now she just want to be like this with him . Feeling  peaceful in his arms.

But can this be forever?

Her mind asked but the only thing that she wants now was feel the present with him.

She is greedy to be in his arms forever.

Are you falling for him?

Shrugging off her thoughts she closed her eyes snuggling closer to him.

"Rocky remove your hand"

" Wait Karo Sona"

Rocky remove his palm ensuring he reached the destination.

Reena eyes glittened seeing the beauty of nature before her.

They stood infront of the isolated pond with just them around.Moonlight and stars did a great job to increase the beauty of the  grassy pond.Fireflies flew around the area translucencing light behind them .

"Isn't it beautiful Sona" rocky whispered onto Reena's ear back hugging her.

" It's gorgeous "

"Can we go for a boating rocky " reena Asked being excited seeing a boat parked at a corner.

" Anything for my Sona"


Reena smiled peering upon the glazing water while rocky rides the boat not taking his eyes from her

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Reena smiled peering upon the glazing water while rocky rides the boat not taking his eyes from her.

"It's so good na rocky" reena said inhaling a deep breath.
Getting up from her sleep she stretched her arm saying
"I wish to stay here forever".

"Really? "

" Yes"

" What are you doing" she asked Rocky seeing him not taking his hands from the rods.

" Don't we need to leave"

" Why hurry ? Leave it we will stay here for sometime and then we would leave" she said making him leave the rods.

"Sona don't do this "


" How can you be so beautiful even this pond jealous of you"

" Oh really"she asked sitting next to him sliding her hand around his arm resting her head on his shoulder."rocky I know am not the beautiful woman in the world but still you consider me as the miss world. I know that I am not the only woman crossed your path then why me ?  Why you choosed me for you? Or do you really choosed me for you?"she poured out.

" Why not you ? You are perfect Sona . You are perfect for me . Whoever pass my way I found it beautiful when you are before me Sona ."

"  I am confused how can someone love me so deeply that to with in just few months"

"It's not just a matter of few months Sona"

" Then?"

" You will know it soon"

" Why you don't tell me anything"

"I will tell you everything when it's time"

While reena hummed.

"Sona am leaving"

Reena looked at him getting up her head from his shoulder." Where ".

" US" rocky said circling his arm around her and keeping her head back where it was placed.

"Why"she asked looking up at him .

"Kabir uncle called me for an emergency."

" Who is kabir ? Let him go . We can stay here na"

" Sona kabir was the one who once brought me back to life when I wanted to end it . So I have to pay him back for whatever help he has done to me"

"So you are leaving?"

" I have to"

" When will you be back "

" I don't know maybe after 1 week"

" I will Miss you " she said planting a kiss on his cheek.

"Is this my Sona?" He asked fake doubting while she ignored it snuggling closer to him .


"Reena beti utho "

Reena opened her eyes hearing Maya calling her .

"What happened . You didn't got up early." While reena tried to recollect yesterday event

How did I reach here?

I slept off yesterday!

He brought me here ?

Where is he ?

He left?

"Reena !" Reena looked up at Maya .

"What happened dear?"

"Nothing " she said before rushing to the washroom.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Did wanted to write more but wanted to give an update before I doze off from Wattpad.( Don't worry it's just for a week)



Thanks for reading

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