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Happy reading ☁️

2 days passed

Reena stared at the stars and moon sitting on the garden , her body swinging along the swing.

Lost in her thoughts .

What is wrong with me?

I saw my mom who I have never met .

But why would I call that man  my dad ?

Who is he?

How he must be related with me?

She gasps as soon as someone out of nowhere sat beside her.

"What are doing here rocky?"

"Can't you see am sitting near my Sona"

Rolling her eyes she asked " what if someone sees you here "

" What?! Every here knows me very well here and you being mine it's just your beloved sister who doesn't know." Laying onto her lap and flicking out the book from her.

"Rockyy come let's go to room"

"Why are you scared of your sister ?"

"No am not . Come let's leave" she lied .

"Then come Sona let's meet her " he said taking her hand acting to leave .

"What noo rocky"

"Fine " he said in dramatic way before placing him back to her lap.

"Why  does she hurts you ?"

"Not till now . But if she finds me with you ,a gangster then she might not leave you."

" No one has that much guts  sonaa"


Ring Ring Ring

Rocky picked up the telephone while reena's eyes traveled to the bed finding a lehenga on there sighed .

This man and his choices

Reena through gestures asked him 'what is it' and reciprocated to 'just try it '

Taking a deep breath she took the lehenga with her marching towards the washroom.


Reena jumped on her foot as saw behind her on the mirror.

"You scared me Sona"

"What are doing here " she asked shocked.

"I was bored there alone " shrugged his shoulders.

Regaining her sense she shooted back " oh really what entertainment you would receive in ones washroom ."

While he chuckled and holding her shoulders turned her . Making her back facing him .

Reena closed her eyes as his fingers brushed with her bare skin .

Tieing the string of her blouse he smiled at her who was looking absolute goddess in that red and black lehenga .

Pulling her towards him making her back collide his chest keeping his Chin on her shoulder he whispered " I missed my Sona being this gorgeous "

She didn't care to listen to him and something else was growing inside her as his hot breath fanning onto her shoulder  and his long beard tickling her neck bringing goosebumps in her .

He drowned into his past as her sweet scent waved over .

Smiling sadly he planted a kiss on her cheek still staying with her in his arms and staring at their shadow on the mirror.

"Are we going somewhere "

" We was but we are not ?"


"It's late "

"Oh God ! I asked you to come to room early right " freeing his hands from her.

Turning to him she asked"then why you made me wear this "

" I wanted to see you wearing this "

"Saw! Happy ? Now leave I need to change " she taunted him . She was angry .

"I will take you another day Sona "

" Yes you would take . The day before you leave me again right? "

"Ok fine let's leave "

"No I don't wanna go anywhere with you"

"Sona " he made her look Into his eyes cupping her cheeks.

" I was about to take you to meet someone but they might have slept."

" Your family?"

" I don't have anyone except you as my family Sona"

She stared deep into his eyes melting at his words  leaning forward she pecked his nose.

"Fine leave I will change and come " she said in a soft voice.

"It's okay you don't need to change . It's a simple lehenga though ."

"How can you just mention it simple you have any idea how much weight does it have "

"Not more than you right " he said just before taking her in his arms.

" leave Rocky " she said through wiggling in his hold .

Placing onto to bed he smashed his lips with her . Taking the dominance and letting reena in shock which she consoled later and reciprocated along with same passion holding a fist of his hair pulling him more closer.

Rocky groaned and left it after a couple of minutes as it was a wild one leaving Reena take breathing heavily .

Pulling Reena towards him softly he peppered kisses onto her shoulder and neck leading to smooch and bite her sweet spots . While reena throwed her head back due to his teasing and giving him more access .

Reena shooted a look at him as he just stopped .

"Goodnight Sona " he said kissing her forehead and pulling her with him onto the pillow to sleep .


Rocky's eyes traveled to the clock . He glanced at his killady who was sleeping .

Leaning closer to her ear he whispered " happy wedding anniversary Sona" letting his lips stay on her forehead on her little more time.


"Reena where are you lost"
Aadhya asked to receive a cheeky smile in return.

"I fall for him aadhi"

" Mr gangster?"

Reena nodded her head blushing . " I knew you would end up loving him . Anyway are you confess " again she recieved a nod " when?" "Today"


Hope you like the chapter



Thanks for reading

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