001, "Finding the Right Tutor."

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- Reader's POV -

"And.. That's the 10th this week." Chaewon smiles warmly at Yena, before throwing her bag over her shoulder. "You mean.. Barely even a week.. But, You're crazy Chaewon! You had 10 tutors in less than a week! And all of them didn't last!" Yena was stunned by Chaewon's story about the tutors she had been working with for the past few days, who didn't last.

"Yeah, but obviously you know why they didn't last." The younger girl smirks slightly, "Yeah! Cause you literally just told me! But seriously though, you should start focusing on your tutoring sessions. Ask someone else to be your tutor. Someone who'll last." Yena suggests, concern etched on her face.

"I know, but they always wanna get in my pants. And you know, it's like my personal stress relief service after a long study session. Who needs a masseuse when you can have a tutor that gives a happy ending?" Chaewon winks at Yena, her eyes sparkling mischievously.

"Girl, that's gross. You know what you should try?" Yena asks, "What?" Chaewon raises an eyebrow.

"You should try finding a tutor who can actually help you learn and improve your grades. That way, you won't have to keep changing tutors every few days. Plus, it's important to take your studies seriously and not just use it as an excuse to hook up with someone!" Yena rolls her eyes slightly.

"Okay, But, who?" Chaewon sighs, "Someone like Minju, you know the girl in our class who's always sassy." Yena suggests and Chaewon chuckles a little. "Minju? You mean the girl who went all karate kid on me during P.E. and kicked me in the balls?" Chaewon winces at the memory, rubbing her legs together protectively.

Yena laughs, "Yes, that Minju! She may have a tough exterior, but she's actually really smart and a great tutor. And she'll definitely keep you in line so that you won't get distracted." nodding proudly.

Chaewon grumbles, "I don't know if I can handle another kick to the balls though." Yena chuckles, "Well, maybe if you actually pay attention to your studies and stop trying to seduce your tutors, you won't have to worry about that!"

Chaewon groans, "I wasn't trying to seduce her, I just asked her to show me some moves and then I accidentally made a dirty joke. It was a total misunderstanding!" Yena raises her eyebrows, "Oh really? What kind of dirty joke?"

Chaewon blushes, "Well, I asked her to teach me some 'hard' moves, and she kicked me in the balls and said, 'Is that hard enough for you?'" Yena bursts into laughter at Chaewon's embarrassment. "Oh my God! That's hilarious!"

Yena can't stop laughing, "I can't believe that you got kicked in the balls by Minju! That's the funniest thing I've heard all week!" Chaewon pouts, "It's not funny Yena! It hurt!" Yena continues to laugh at Chaewon's words, "She's so real for that! You did deserve it! Stop making dirty jokes and maybe the next time you'll avoid getting kicked!"

Chaewon shakes her head, exhaling a deep sigh. "But seriously, Chaewon. Ask Minju!! She's a really good tutor. And if you actually listen to her and focus on your studies, you might actually learn something!" Yena insists, trying to convince her friend.

"Okay, fine. I'll ask her tomorrow or something. But if she goes all karate kid on me again.. I'm out!" The younger girl gives up, giving in to the older girls suggestion. "Too bad that you're not in the hockey team, then you could wear a cup for protection!" Chaewon rolls her eyes, "Oh yeah, because wearing a cup to a tutoring session is totally normal."

Yena grins mischievously, "Hey, you never know when Minju might feel the urge to kick you again!" Chaewon groans, "Thanks for the encouragement, Yena." Slamming her locker shut, Chaewon gives Yena a 'are you serious?' look. As they start walking towards the basketball court a few seconds away, Chaewon felt both excited and just the slightest nervous about having Minju as her tutor.

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