010, "Ride it." {M}

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- Readers POV -

Chaewon gulps as Minju's straddling her lap, she's lying on her back as Minju's sitting on top of her. The younger girl smirks noticing how Chaewon looks like she's ready for anything to happen to her right now. Minju can't help but notice how submissive Chaewon looks right now and it's making her smirk.

Chaewon tries her best to stop her body from reacting to the way Minju looks right now but it is useless. Chaewon can feel Minju's warmth and it's making her go crazy, her cock is hard and she's dying to enter Minju's pussy. Chaewon thinks it's too hot in here so she tries to open her mouth but nothing comes out, she is confused and feels scared.

"So cute, your body is shivering," Minju giggles while rubbing her pussy against Chaewon's shaft. Chaewon gasps at the way Minju feels against her shaft. Minju decides to be mean, she grabs a hold of Chaewon's cock with her right hand and slowly strokes it up and down. Chaewon whimpers, feeling the pleasure through her cock, she's extremely turned on and she just wants to fuck Minju.

Chaewon starts bucking her hips up and down as she thrusts her shaft into Minju's hands. Minju continues to stroke Chaewon's cock, loving the way the other girl is acting. "Stop moving around so much Chaewon-ah, this isn't easy." Minju grumbles and Chaewon freezes up as Minju is stroking her cock.

Chaewon can't even comprehend what is happening right now, she doesn't even know if this is real or if this is some kind of dream. She never thought that someone like Minju would touch her in such a way and she is getting all hot and bothered. Chaewon opens her mouth to say something but she cannot get a single word out, she just stares at Minju with a shocked expression on her face.

"Come on, say something," Minju pouts while looking down at Chaewon with puppy eyes. "Tell me how you feel about my touch, come on now, say something." Minju teases while moving her body up and down.

Chaewon gulps as she sees the way Minju's chest is bouncing up and down. The sight makes Chaewon go crazy and she's dying to grab a hold of Minju's boobs, but Chaewon stays quiet not wanting to ruin the moment by doing so. "M-Minju.." The older girl whines. "Hmm..? What is it? Tell me." Minju strokes Chaewon in a slow manner up and down, from the base of her cock and back down.

"It's too.. Too stimulating." She manages to breath out. "Okay, I'll just stop then." Minju teases her by releasing Chaewon's cock completely leaving it standing. "No..! Please don't stop Minju-ah." The older girl begs her, desperately. "You're so desperate right now, Chaewon-ssi. It's kind of cute." Minju grins.

Chaewon whimpers shutting her eyes tightly, "Minju please stop teasing me..!" she opens her eyes again and stares into Minju's eyes, and notices how Minju still has a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Hmm.. Should I?" Minju taps her chin, thinking carefully. "I don't think you really want it though, do you really want it, Chaewon-ssi? Do you want me to suck your big cock?"

"Yes! Yes please!" The older girl nods her head eagerly, she's so hard that it actually hurts and she feels like crying because of the need of release. She needs to be inside of Minju right now or else she'll go insane. Her erection must be effecting her brain because her mind is clouded with nothing but the overwhelming desire to feel Minju's tightness around her.

She hates not being able to release quickly and it's bugging her a bit too much right now. "Well since you asked so nicely, Chaewon-ssi I might actually have to do it." With a smirk on her lips Minju slowly slides down Chaewon's body so that her chest is pressed against Chaewon's thighs.

The older girl can feel how her erection increases, veins popping out from the shaft. "Chaewon-ssi you're so hard." Minju hums in satisfaction, proud of how hard she has made Chaewon.

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