004, "Dirty Thoughts." {M}

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- Chaewon's POV -

Fuck.. That skirt was perfect on Minju. Why does she always have to look so good? And why did she have to wear that skirt during our first ever tutoring session!? The worst part is that i got a hard-on because of her.. Her skirt was so short. I got turned on by Minju.. I got turned on by Kim Minju? She's really giving me a hard time, and it still won't calm down!

Come on dick.. Calm down.. She left 8 minutes ago. You're supposed to be soft, not hard! Fuck, Kim Minju. Does she have any idea how much she affects me? It's not like I wanted this to happen. It's not like I planned on getting all bricked up during our tutoring session. But the way she leaned in, her voice so alluring, it was too much to handle.

I never expected Minju to be so alluring, so effortlessly captivating. Her confidence, her teasing, it was like a drug I couldn't resist. And now, here I was, dealing with the consequences of my body's betrayal. My own body betraying me because of Minju's constant teasing and seduction. It's seriously too much for my poor little friend to handle. Not quite little but.. Yeah.

Eunchae's at her friend's place.. Which means that I'm able to relieve myself, without any disruptions. I swallowed, my breathing turning heavier. The temptation was too strong to resist, the need for release consuming my thoughts. I quickly made my way to my bedroom, closing the door behind me, and leaned against it for a moment, gathering my thoughts.

I couldn't believe that I was about to do this. Masturbating to thoughts of Minju seemed both thrilling and utterly absurd. But the desire coursing through my veins was undeniable, and I couldn't ignore it any more. I had to. I stripped off my pants along with my underwear, the cool air against my skin.

As I lay down on my bed, my fingers grazed over my body, tracing delicate patterns along my thighs, my stomach, and finally reaching the aching hardness between my legs. Images of Minju's teasing smiles, her enticing whispers, flooded through my mind. I imagined her hands on my body, her lips on my skin, her touching me. That was enough to turn me on even further.

"Fuck, Minju.." I groaned, biting my bottom lip as I jerked off my 10 inch cock. It felt so fucking good to finally be able to touch myself, finally after days of trying to keep myself from touching myself and watching anything erotic.

With each stroke, my breathing grew more erratic, the pleasure building up inside me. Minju's name escaped my lips in a whispered moan, the sound echoing through out the room. The sensation intensified, my body responding eagerly to my touch, to the vivid fantasies of Minju that consumed my thoughts.

I continued to stroke myself in a steady rhythm, my hand moving all the way up to the base of my cock and back down as I imagined myself sliding in and out of Minju. Finally reaching my climax, an intense wave of pleasure washed over me, I finally released. The white sticky seed splurting out of my bulbous mushroom shaped tip, leaving me completely breathless and drained.

I feel a mixture of both relief and guilt, as I lay there my heart pounding in my chest. Fuck.. What have I done? I watched as my cock slowly went limp and  continued to pulsate, the creamy liquid leaking out of my light pink tip. I lied still for some seconds, staring at the ceiling, the reality of what I had just done began to sink in.

What would Minju think if she knew what I had just done? Would she be disgusted? Would she distance herself from me even more? Taking a deep breath in, I sat up from the bed and walked to the bathroom and turned on the faucet. I should take a shower to calm my nerves down and to distract myself from the fact that I just masturbated while fantasizing about Kim Minju.

When I meet her again, I have to act like nothing happened. I have to act like I didn't do any of this. But the attraction was undeniable. I couldn't hold myself. If she hadn't left earlier, I would've came in my pants right in front of her. The thought sent a shiver down my spine, a mix of excitement and shame intertwining within me.

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