002, "Painful Persuasion."

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- Reader's POV -

Chaewon puts her shirt on before sighing and sitting back down on the bench, tired from their earlier hardcore P.E lesson. She had just finished taking a shower, and was now ready to leave. But before she even had the chance to stand up, Yena leaned in and whispered. "Minju's here! Go talk to her!" Chaewon furrows her eyebrows, "Right now?"

Yena nods before running off and leaving the changing room. Chaewon could only sigh as she stands up, searching for Minju with her eyes. She finds her standing near the exit of the changing room, ready to leave. "Hey, Minju.." She starts, scratching her nape.

Minju turns around annoyed, "What do you want Chaewon?" her hair still a little wet from the shower she had earlier. "Uh.. Well, actually.." Chaewon clears her throat, Minju eyeing her a hint of curiosity seen in her eyes. "I was wondering if you'd be interested in becoming my tutor."

Minju rolls her eyes, "Actually, I'm not interested in getting my back blown out by you Chaewon, so, fuck off." flipping Chaewon off. Completely shocked by Minju's claim, Chaewon gaped slightly. "What!? No! It's nothing like that! I'm serious Minju, please be my tutor! I need your help."

Minju raises an eyebrow, studying Chaewon's face for a moment before responding, "Yeah right, you expect me to believe that? You're always flirting with everyone, it's hard to take you seriously." Chaewon's lips curl into a playful smile, and she tries her best not to say anything that could make Minju regret even talking to her.

"I knew you'd say that.. But cmon just give me a chance! I promise I'll behave!" Chaewon takes a step closer to the younger girl, pouting a little. "I don't believe you, I don't want to end up on your list of tutors you've had. Like seriously? 10 in less than a week? That's disgusting." Minju looks grossed out by the thought.

"Minju, I swear if you become my tutor, I won't have to change tutors like that again. You're the only one who can handle me." Chaewon sighs, hoping for a positive response from the younger girl.

"No, find someone else." She responds before turning around to leave the changing room, but Chaewon doesn't give up. She grabs Minju's wrist, holding it in a firm grasp. "What do you think you're doing? Stop bothering me."

Chaewon tightens her grip on Minju's wrist, her eyes pleading. "Please, just hear me out. I understand my reputation might make it hard for you to trust me, but I'm being for real right now. I see potential in you as a tutor, someone who can help me improve academically. I won't let you down, Minju." She grins slightly.

Minju tries to pull her wrist free, her expression a mix of annoyance and skepticism. "You think I'm just going to fall for your sweet words? Chaewon, you've played this game before. I've seen the way you flirt with everyone, trying to charm your way through anything. I won't be another conquest on your list."

Chaewon's grip softens, but her determination doesn't weaken. She steps even closer to Minju, their faces now only a few inches apart. And her eyes lock with Minju's, "I know that you're going to be good at this, and help me improve my academic skills."

Minju rolls her eyes for the nth time, "You think I have the patience to deal with your antics? Chaewon, I have better things to do than babysit you."

Chaewon quietly chuckles, "Minju, I'm not asking you to babysit me. I'm asking you to push me, to challenge me. I want your tough love, your attitude, because I know deep down, you believe that I can rise above my reputation."

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