009, "A Sleepless Night."

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- Chaewon's POV -

I'm finally home.. I want to call Minju. Cause I just left the library and after that we never got to talk, we just ran away from each other. I quickly change out of my dirty clothes into clean ones and decide to call Minju.

She picks up right away and I'm really relieved that she's not in the shower or anything. "Minju!" I smiled, "what do you want..? You woke me up.. It's the middle of the night.. Go back to sleep..I'm tired."

"Oh, yeah I know it's late and I'm sorry for calling." I apologize and she yawns. "I was really busy today but I can talk for a bit if you want."

"Sure, what did you want to talk about?" Minju asks and I nod. "Okay so.. you know how we fucked today earlier, right?" I ask, and she's quiet. "Well, um.. I was thinking that..we should do it again sometime." I continue. "it was too big.." She murmurs. "What?" I ask, not sure if I had heard her right.

"Nothing.. what did you say?" She asks and I clear my throat, "I said, we should fuck again." I answer. She laughs, "Why? What's the point in doing that again?" I furrow my brows, "Why not?" tilting my head slightly as I sat on the chair.

"I mean.. don't you have a girlfriend or something?" She asks and I roll my eyes, "no, I don't. You actually think I'd fuck someone while I'm dating someone else?" I laugh, "You're so dumb." She scoffs, "I am not!" She argues.

"You're so cute, Minju." I grin. "I am so sleepy.. and my legs hurt from being fucked by you all day." She says. "Really? What did I do to you?" I ask and she's silent for a few seconds, "you were big, I couldn't take it." Minju answers, and I could hear the embarrassment in her voice.

I can't stop myself from laughing, "So, are you sore?" I ask and she's silent for a few seconds, "Well.. a little..but I'll be fine.."

"Well, if you need anything just call me or text me. I'll make sure you feel good." I murmur, and she giggles. "Why are you so obsessed with me?" She asks. "What do you mean? You're really pretty, and you smell nice too." I say, and she's quiet again.

"I don't mean that... I mean.. well you're cute and- ugh I'm really sleepy." She mumbles.
"That's okay, go to sleep baby. I'll see you tomorrow." I say, and she yawns. "Mhm, okay. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Bye, Minju." I smile.

"Bye, Chaewon unnie."

She seemed very exhausted, she should seriously get some sleep. It was kind of cute though.. Minju's so cute.. It's driving me insane! How can someone be so cute yet so mean and hard to please at the same time? It's really confusing but I'm definitely curious. I wonder if we fucked more often would she get used to me? I think so.

Should I have brought her some pain killers? She's still sore from me fucking her.. I kind of feel bad. She was kind of sensitive when we fucked. Was I too harsh? Damn it Chaewon..! I have to ask her. I picked my phone up, and typed in Minju's name. I clicked the call button and the phone immediately began ringing again.

1 minute..

2 minutes..

Minju finally picked up, whining into the phone as she complained and scolded me. "Chaewon-ssi! I was about to fall asleep...! And you woke me up again...!" I sighed, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I just wanted to ask.. Do you need some pain killers? I could get them for you right now if you want. You must still be in pain from how hard I-"

She interrupted me,  "It's fine! I'm already used to it now! I'll be fine! Go to sleep! It's late."

"Wait, wait.. I wanted to tell you something. I can't just leave you hanging." I argued. She groaned, "What is it then? Tell me!" I grinned, "I want to do it again, Minju." She sighed, "What do you mean?"

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