008, "Library Sex." {M}

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- Readers POV -

"Chaewon-ssi! H-hold on!" Minju whines, as Chaewon gives her ass a firm squeeze. "What is it Minju-ah." Chaewon leans closer, whispering in her ear softly. "Just fuck me already!" The younger girl exclaims impatiently. Chaewon chuckles, "Okay, okay, why so impatient."

Minju feels Chaewon's hand go lower and lower before stopping at her thighs, "Wait! Chaewon-ssi.."Chaewon rubs her thighs, slowly going higher and higher until Minju starts covering her face, blushing. "Don't hide your face." Minju shakes her head, "Just hurry up.." She breathes out.
"How are you not satisfied?"

Chaewon asks and Minju lowers her head, "I'm not." she murmurs annoyed. "Not satisfied? What?" Chaewon asks. "Chaewon-ssi..Please fuck me now.." Minju breathes out. "I can't hear you."

"I'm not satisfied..!" She whispers, "Why not?" Chaewon asks, rubbing her thighs softly. "It's not enough.." Minju mumbles and Chaewon chuckles, "Not enough?" teasing the younger girl.
Minju bites her lip as she feels Chaewon's fingers brush against her center, making her shiver.

"What's that? Are you wet?" Chaewon asks. Minju covers her face as she starts feeling embarrassed and before she knew it, Chaewon had already pulled her panties down all the way to her knees. "I-I'm not wet! Don't touch me!" She exclaims, and Chaewon snickers.

"Liar." Chaewon mumbles, as she admires Minju's pink glistening flesh. "Chaewon-ssi..." Minju whimpers, trying to hold back her moans. "Yes?" She answers, "I-I...you're so mean!"

"I am mean? Weren't you the one begging for me to fuck you?" Chaewon asks and Minju shakes her head, "I-I didn't." Chaewon smirks, "Oh, but you did."

"No I didn't!" Minju whines, growing even more impatient which makes her feel like she's about to lose it. "Calm down, Minju." Chaewon murmurs, kissing her neck. Minju wraps her arms around her shoulders as Chaewon inserts a finger into her core. She gasps, feeling Chaewon's finger stretching her tight hole. "Chaewon-ssi..I-I can't.." She breathes out.

Chaewon smirks, "Can't what?" Minju covers her mouth as Chaewon continues teasing her lower area with a single finger. Minju's still bent over the table with her ass up in the air, legs spread wide open and skirt all bunched up to her waist.

Chaewon feels herself become more and more turned on by Minju's vulnerable state, her dick tenting in her jeans. "I can't take anymore, please..!" She begs, squeezing her eyes shut. Chaewon pulls her finger out before slowly pushing it back inside, causing the younger girl to moan loudly.

"Fuck, you're so hot Minju," Chaewon grunts, continuing to pump her finger into her tight hole. Minju holds onto the library table, biting her lip to try and hold back her moans. "Mm..Minju-ah," Chaewon starts, leaning down and nibbling at her earlobe. "I'm gonna fuck you now, okay? Can you do that for me? Can you take it?" She asks,

"Yes.." Minju whimpers, nodding her head.
Chaewon slowly removes her finger before unbuckling her belt, and unzipping her pants. Minju waits with bated breath, listening to Chaewon's movements. She listens to the sound of Chaewon's jeans dropping to the ground, then the sound of her zipper being unzipped.

Chaewon grabs Minju's hair, pulling her head back roughly. She kisses her lips roughly, biting down on Minju's bottom lip as she tries to keep herself from moaning out loud.  She feels Chaewon's large, thick cock resting on her lower back and it drives her insane with pleasure.

She needs more of her, she needs to have Chaewon's dick deep inside of her right now. Minju doesn't even care anymore about how weird it may be for Chaewon. She wants to be fucked so badly, and if it means being fucked by Chaewon's cock in the school's library then so be it. 

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