011, "The Study Date Proposal."

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- Reader's POV -

"Let's go on a study date." Minju suggests Chaewon looks at her as if she's crazy, "A study date!? But that's no fun Minju-ah. How are we supposed to enjoy ourselves if we just have to study the whole time?" She whines.

"Because we're studying together. So we won't be bored right? We can study together and then do something else after that, and we can spend the whole day together. I need to tutor you, Chaewon-ssi, or else you wont graduate. And I'll be very mad if you don't."

Chaewon frowns, "tsk.. you'll be mad? I'm the one who should be mad, Minju-ah. I want to do more things with you than just study you know? We never get to do things together, it seems like all we do is study or hang out at your place."

Minju pouts, not wanting Chaewon to get angry at her, but she also needs the older girl to study so that she doesn't have to tutor her everyday. "I don't want you to fail Chaewon-ssi, and if I don't make sure you study then you definitely will fail."

Chaewon groans, "So you just want to take me to your house everyday and make me do homework, then fuck, do some homework again, and then fuck some more, right? Is that it?" Minju's eyes widen as she looks at Chaewon with shock.

"That is not it! I'm just making sure you study." Minju argues, but she feels like her cheeks are heating up. Chaewon lies down on her back and watches as Minju face becomes red, "That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard," She says, looking at Minju.

"No it's not!" Minju says, standing up from her seat as she bites her lip. "You're just being a pervert again.." Minju mumbled quietly, so quietly that Chaewon almost couldn't hear her. Chaewon sits up on her bed, "I'm not being a pervert, Minju-ah."

"But I can be one if you want me to be a pervert, Minju-ah," Chaewon smirks, leaning in to place a kiss against Minju's cheek, but the younger girl quickly moves away, turning her head to the side. Chaewon frowns, not liking how Minju is ignoring her.

"Look, I want to do more stuff with you than just study and have sex Minju-ah.. I want to.." Chaewon smirks, "I want to eat you out.. I want to eat you out while we're studying, then I can just finger you while you're doing your homework, and we can fuck some more after that... Is that a better idea?"

Minju stays quiet, her eyes shut tightly as she bites down on her bottom lip. "Or.. I could just buy you a lot of gifts Minju-ah.. I could buy you lots of nice dresses that will definitely make you look good in, I could buy you some nice makeup, some nice perfume too.. and-"

Chaewon wraps her arms around Minju's waist, pulling her body closer to her own, "I could buy you some sexy lingerie that will make you look even sexier than you already do, I could buy you some new underwear so that I can see you in it and take you right then and there," Chaewon whispers, nibbling on Minju's earlobe.

"And we could do all of that while I take you out on a date, Minju-ah..." Chaewon takes Minju's hand in hers and places a soft kiss on her palm.

"So, what do you say Minju-ah? Do you want to go on a date with me? Or would you rather go to your house everyday and do this?" Chaewon smirks, looking into the younger girl's eyes. Minju gulps, she feels like she can barely breathe right now. Chaewon is being way too much and she can't control her heart right now.

"That lingerie stuff is.. isn't that stuff kind of expensive? I don't think I can get anything like that.. I just- Chaewon-ssi I'm not even sure if I'm allowed to accept that." Chaewon just opens her mouth in shock. She can't believe that Minju isn't sure if she's allowed to accept Chaewon's gifts.

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