005, "Caught in the Moment."

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- Reader's POV -

Chaewon sighs softly before sitting down on the couch in a rather comfortable position, finding herself unintentionally sitting with a slight spread of her legs and lying back slightly. Completely forgetting that she's literally at Minju's place and not at home. The aching from todays practice still lingering in her muscles, making her appreciate the cozy couch even more.

Just then, Minju enters the room, holding a steaming cup of green tea. "Hey, Chaewon. Oh, I see that you're making yourself quite comfortable there, anyways I got you some green tea. It's supposed to help you focus." She says with a mocking tone, before muttering. "Not that you'd know anything about that."

Chaewon raises an eyebrow at Minju's snarky comment and decides to play along, responding with a playful smirk. "Oh? Green tea for focus? Sorry Min but I don't drink green tea." Minju scoffs, "I don't care. Here, don't spill it all over yourself," She says, a touch of concern sneaking into her voice.

Chaewon chuckles a little before taking the cup with a mischievous grin. "Why do you want me to drink it so bad? Is it because you made it with love?" Minju rolls her eyes, but a faint blush spreads across her cheeks, betraying a hint of embarrassment. "Please, Chaewon. Don't flatter yourself,"

The older girl takes a sip of the green tea, "Well, if you insist, I'll drink it. But only if you promise it has a secret ingredient that will make me even more irresistible." Minju's eyes flicker with a blend of amusement and a spark of something more as she leans in closer to Chaewon.

"Oh, trust me, Chaewon. You're already plenty irresistible," She whispers, her voice carrying a hint of huskiness that sends a shiver down Chaewon's spine. Chaewon clears her throat, surprised by Minju's sudden seductiveness. "Y-yeah.. I know but it wouldn't be that bad for me to be even more irresistible."

"Okay, enough with the flirting let's get started." Minju sits down next to Chaewon. "Awh, let's flirt some more Min." The older girl pouts. Minju smirks, her gaze locking onto Chaewon's lips for a fleeting moment before meeting her eyes. "Flirting is fun, isn't it?" Her voice is laced with a mix of mischief and desire, a seductive melody that resonates deep within Chaewon's core.

A playful glint dances in Chaewon's eyes as she leans in closer, "Oh, you have no idea, Minju. Flirting with you is a whole different level of fun." In the midst of their playful flirting, Chaewon's fingers accidentally graze Minju's thigh, sending a jolt of electricity through both of them. Their eyes meet, and for a fleeting moment, time stands still.

Minju's lips curve into a sly smile, her eyes twinkling with mischief and desire. "Oops, was that accidental?" She asks, her voice low and seductive. Chaewon's cheeks flush with a mixture of embarrassment and excitement. "Maybe," She replies, her voice filled with a hint of teasing.

Minju leans in closer, her breath brushing against Chaewon's ear as she whispers, "Accidental or not, Chaewon, it seems like our bodies have a way of finding each other." Her fingers trail lightly along Chaewon's arm, giving her arm muscles a light squeeze. Chaewon's breath hitches and she swallows hard.

As Minju's fingers continue to trail along Chaewon's arm, a shiver runs down her spine. She tries to suppress her growing desire, her cheeks flushing with a mix of embarrassment and anticipation. Chaewon's mind races, desperately trying to maintain her composure, aware of the growing hardness she can't conceal.

Minju, notices Chaewon's reaction but doesn't let on. Instead, she leans back slightly, her eyes fixed on Chaewon's face, reading her like an open book. With a mischievous smile playing on her lips, she continues her tantalizing touch, slowly trailing her fingers up Chaewon's thigh, grazing the sensitive skin and sending shivers down her spine.

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