007, "Sweet Like Candy."

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A/N Slight mature content ahead 😊

- Minju's POV -

I groaned at the sound of the alarm clock beeping and instantly sat up in my bed, annoyed by the sound disrupting my peaceful sleep. How fucking annoying.. I ran my fingers through my hair before standing up on my feet, not that ready for another painful day at school. I'm glad I didn't have to tutor that perverted little devil. Now that I think about it..

Where's the money she promised to give me? I've been her tutor for almost 2 weeks now. She's supposed to pay me each session but she never did. I'll have to discuss it with her later or even tomorrow I don't have energy for that right now. Ugh I'm so tired, I don't wanna go to school. "Minju! Get your ass up!"  Garam yells from the other room.

"I'm already up!" I yelled back huffing slightly. "Seriously how long does it take for you to get ready Minju!?" Garam opens the door, annoyed by how 'slow' I am, even though I woke up some minutes ago. "What's up your ass today?" I raised a brow.

"What's up your ass? Chaewon's-" Garam shot back and I immediately gasp disgusted by her response. "Garam!" She bursts out laughing and I pout crossing my arms over my chest, glaring at her. "Come on Minju~ It's just a joke." She says placing her hand on my shoulder, pulling me into a hug. My sister can be so gross sometimes and I'm not even joking when I say that.

Chaewon's dick up my ass? What the hell? "You're gross. You know that, right? Gross." I pushed her away huffing and she just laughs. "Well you are too."

Garam laughs. "Uh, no, absolutely not. Don't compare me to you two, that's disgusting. Chaewon is gross, I mean it, don't even get me started with what she does in her free time." I sighed shaking my head. "I mean if you want her to-"

"Ew no! She's disgusting and a pervert, Garam! She doesn't deserve me." I retorted and Garam snickered. "You're so mean to her, stop being so mean and just try at least to have some fun. Be like Chaewon, you're really boring Minju."

"Am I really?" I questioned and Garam nods. I can't be boring and annoying like her, she's really not that great. She's the one annoying me and making me uncomfortable. She doesn't respect me and she's really loud and obnoxious. I groaned, "Her kind of fun is staying in her room and masturbating. That's not even fun."

Garam glares at me. "Don't be so crude, it's a normal thing for girls." I roll my eyes as we walk down the stairs. "Whatever. See you later." I threw my bag over my shoulder as I quickly put my shoes on. "Where's the rush?" Garam questions raising a brow and I look back at her with a bored expression, "I don't have time for you to take forever."

Garam scoffed. "My hair isn't even finished yet! Minju! You're being rude again!" She yelled and I snickered shaking my head. "Yeah yeah, bye!" Shes so fucking annoying, but Chaewon's more.. Ugh I can't stand her. She makes my skin crawl with her perverted comments and sexual innuendos.

If shes so horny why not go and fuck someone? She has a dick so why not fuck some other girl? Why do she want me so much? I don't understand and I wish she'd just fuck off. I hate how whenever she flirts with me it makes me feel some type of way. I don't want to feel like that about Kim Chaewon.

I get to school and sit at my usual seat, huffing in annoyance. "Hey!" A voice greeted me and I looked up seeing Eunchae  sitting on the chair next to me, smiling. Eunchae's a lot better than her sister, they're the opposites. Chaewon's all perverted while Eunchae's kind, she's a sweetheart.

"Oh hey." I greeted and she grinned at me. "Where's your sister?" She asked and I just shrugged. "I don't know." I looked back at her and she hums, nodding her head. "Unnie, you and Garam didn't come to school together?" She pouts, and I chuckled knowing how much Eunchae likes my sister.

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