Chapter 6: Innocent Act

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Morticia felt breathless, her nails digging into her palms as she tried not to choke on her own voice in front of her class... and her.


From this distance, the blond girl looked no different from her own mother. That gesture, that smile, that little frown, that handwriting, that posture. Even the way she breathed was so familiar. Morticia could feel a sharp pain in her chest, her heart clench as if it want to kill her, overwhelm her with some sort of guilt. And among those, there's a strange thought urging her to come closer to Laelia, to embrace her and to caress her like she was her Larissa.

She can't help it, not after what she had seen in the library this morning, not after knowing Kiera liked this girl, and Laelia maybe liked her too.

Is history repeating itself?

Will she lose her?


'You are insane! She is not Larissa, stop seeing her like that!' Morticia scolded herself.

Falling back into her seat, Mortica massaged her temple. She's glad she gave her students a few quizzes to work on as she knows she won't be able to say anything with Laelia in her class like this. It would be best if she were left alone to collect herself piece by...

"Mrs. Addams, can you help me with question 7?" that voice, soft and sweet, gentle like the warmth of spring.

"Of course, miss Harrisson" Morticia felt relieved that her voice didn't break mid-sentence, taking a deep breath, she continue "Let me see... oh, you can find the information for that question on page 27. We had gone through that one last week but since you weren't with us then so feel free to ask for help, alright? That was a tricky one!"

"Thank you, Mrs. Addams!" Laelia beamed at her then duck her head back to her notebook.

Morticia fell back to her seat, still staring at the girl, she didn't know what have take over her, as if Larissa was really here, watching her suffering. She recalled the time when they were students, Larissa was a real nerd but also the only one that everyone can count on, that Morticia could count on. Those good memories that she treasures are now gone and haunted her every single night.

Suddenly, she felt a shiver down her spine, then she moved her sight away from Laelia, her eyes caught Wednesday, who sat behind Laelia. Her lovely daughter glared at her with a flat face but something in those eyes made her worry.

Did she know?

There's no way that she knows!

But that's Wednesday we talking about, she wouldn't let that kind of thing go by like that.

Thankfully, Morticia was saved by the bell, her students got out of the classroom just as fast as when they came, the room quickly become empty, leaving Morticia behind all alone. The brunette buried her face in her hands, her head throbbing like someone tried to cut it open,

'If Issa sees me right now, she will kill me for sure! How can I be such a disgusting pedophile, lusting for her daughter?'


In the meantime, Laelia went back to her dorm, took her stuff and headed straight to the communal shower. Very much to her surprise, the shower, unlike yesterday, was crowded with lots of other girls in a rush. It looked like it's impossible for her to take a shower before dinner. Maybe she should be back after dinner, it's probably less crowded.

'I hate to go to bed with damp hair, I should have brought a hair dryer with me!'

Laelia sighed then turned around, if she were still stubborn and tried to take a shower in there, she would be late for dinner... well, not that late, but the food would be cold then, and all the good things would be all gone. When she fully turned around and stepped a step forward, her face suddenly hit something soft, it startled her, even more, to hear a quiet yelp from above. She took a step back to see who she just bumped into.

"Aren't you going to the shower?" Laelia's whole body went numb when she saw Morticia.

'Did my face just...' her face reddened at the thought.

"What's wrong, dear?" her teacher tilted her head as she observed the girl, she hoped that the girl didn't hear the pounding in her chest.

"I... it's nothing, the shower was just kinda crowded, that's all!" Laelia shrugged.

"Is that so!" Morticia peaked her head inside to see, the shower was really crowded as she said. Maybe because most students have their fencing class today so that's why.

"I think I should be back after dinner" Laelia stepped aside to return to her room, but a strong arm grabbed her back

"You can use the shower in my room!" Morticia wondered what kind of nerve that she had today to do such a thing, she also impresses that she could hold a conversation until now. But she undeniably regretted what she just said immediately. She was scared of herself. When her mind didn't progress probably, her mouth already said what it shouldn't. Morticia's hand, the one that holding Laelia's arm now felt so hot, like she touching magma or holding a piece of melting metal. She let go of the girl as a rain embarrassment wash over her.

'Would it be appropriate for a teacher to invite her student to her room? Would it scare her off?'

"That's not necessary, I can just wait when there are fewer people to go in. I don't want to bother you!"

"You not bothering me. Not at all, ma chérie!" Morticia wanted to sew her mouth shut. Did she just sound like a creep?

She stole a look at the blond, she was nervous, adrenaline bumped into her brain, all she hope was that the blond won't look at her in disgust or show any uncomfortable expression. But she was shocked to see those baby blue eyes staring at her back, her pale cheeks now replace with bright red, her lips tightened. Laelia paused for a whole minute before she slightly nodded and stood straight in front of Morticia, waiting for her to lead the way.

'Is she shy? Is that a good thing?'

"Then this way, follow me, dear!" Morticia forced a usual smile on her face.


Wednesday watched as her mother and Weems's daughter disappeared behind the door. She does admit that the girl took after her mother a lot, it looked like that was enough. Enough for her to feel less uncomfortable around her. Enough for her mother to act so strange. Enough for a theory to form and let her hope she was right.

"Hello Thing" she looked to her shoulder where Thing now standing.

"I know, she's an adult now. But isn't that what makes her more dangerous to be around that girl? Giving herself the right to do what she wants just because she is capable of doing so"

"Keep an eye on her, Thing. Make sure she won't do anything that she mustn't"

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