Chapter 11: White Lily

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Laelia spends her afternoon quietly in the library, books are her way to escape from reality. She remembers how she had buried herself in books all day before she moved here. It was a great time. After transfer to Nevermore, Laelia had less time than she thought she would for reading, but it may be a good thing since she made friends and talked with humans more often than before.

Lost in her thoughts and also the book that she just picked up from the shelf, Laelia doesn't realize that there is another person approaching. When the book in her hands is suddenly taken away from her, she's startled but also annoyed, she looks up immediately at that person. Laelia's face relaxes when she sees who it is. It's Principal Davies.

"Miss Davies, what are you doing here?" Laelia sounds happier than she intends to show, a blush quickly rises on her cheeks.

"I told you to call me Kiera when we're alone!" Kiera smirks at the blonde girl.

The siren sits down right next to Laelia, she glances at the book in her hand before looking at the cover. She knows what book it is from just a glimpse at the words written on it but Kiera wants to make sure that she's right, being wrong will definitely make her lose points in the girl's eyes. Kiera can't bear to lose to that slut Morticia ever again.

"You don't look like a girl who read gothic horror books!" Kiera says before returning the book back to the girl.

"I don't, but I want to try something new!" Laelia's fingers accidentally brush against the older woman's, they're cold but not uncomfortable to touch.

Something on Kiera's hands catches her eyes, a silver ring, it's just a simple one but very pleasant to the eyes, especially on the Principal's delicate finger. Kiera's also looking at her ring, it's a gift from no other than Larissa herself, her first birthday gift as Larissa's colleague.

"It was a gift from your mother!" Kiera says, her gaze moving away from the ring back to Laelia's blue eyes.

"Oh..." Laelia takes a breath before continuing "So, are you... and my mother... had anything for each other?"

"No, darling! It's just a simple gift since I always love rings!" Kiera's grin grows wider "Do you like it?"

"I, uh... I do" Laelia avoids looking straight into Kiera's pale orbs. The blonde wonders what has gotten into her recently, whenever she meets the siren, she can feel her heart beat faster than ever, even a touch could make her a literal mess. She thought that the only person that could do that to her in Nevermore was only Morticia, but now she has found another one. Coincidentally, they're both her mother's friends.

Kiera reaches to tuck a strain of blond hair out of Laelia's pretty face, then her fingers glide down to the necklace on her neck. Kiera knows this necklace, Larissa had always kept it in her drawer like a precious little thing. She caresses the letter L carved on it as a burning feeling runs through her veins, like wildfire.

'I will love your girl just as much as I love you, my Larissa!'


Meanwhile, Morticia is in the greenhouse, cutting the petals off her favorite roses. Her day so far has been wonderfully well, after days and weeks of exhaustion since she hasn't had a good sleep. Now, Morticia is finally well-rested and feeling like herself again.

The memory of this morning keeps appearing in her mind like a plague. Morticia sure did panic for a second when she woke up this morning with Laelia in her arms, long awake and totally a blushing mess. Mortician had asked herself if she had done anything she shouldn't last night to the girl. Thankfully, she was still sane enough.

Set the roses aside, Morticia comes to her pot of white lilies, beautiful and pure just like that girl. Morticia smiles to herself as she carefully transfers the lilies into another pot, a pretty white pot that she usually despises. But it's just perfect for a gift.

"Hello, mother" the monotone voice comes from behind Morticia, she lets out a sigh as she turns back to face her daughter, Wednesday.

"Good afternoon, my little spider!" Morticia grins "Something bothers you, darling?"

"Yes, it's you, mother" Wednesday glares at her.

"Oh, how come? I'm pretty sure that I didn't mean to pair your wolf girlfriend with the others, my dear!"

"It's not that!" a blush rises on Wednesday's pale face "It's about the Harisson girl, you obsess with her"

"Well, I can assure you that all I have done is just take care of my friend's daughter, Larissa died for you, Wednesday!" Morticia is nervous, that's for sure, but she won't show it out. She knows very well that she doesn't see Laelia as anything that she said, yet, she will convince herself that she is.

"I know, but your behavior isn't appropriate. Even the monstrous Principal thinks so too" Wednesday feels a disgusting taste in mouth just from the mention of that siren.

"Hmm!" Morticia turns away from her daughter, her blood boil remembering the morning when she spotted Laelia with Kiera in the library.

"I just want to warn you, mother" Wednesday says before heading back out, as her hand reaches out for the door, the girl stops, turns back to meet her mother's eyes "It was your fault not confessing to Weems, don't put all your desperate desire on Lia"

And the door slams shut as the Wednesday leaves. Morticia looks back at the white lilies on the table, she caresses the flower gently. Carefully, she takes one in her hand and places a soft kiss on the white petal.

Morticia is an adult.

She can handle this.

(She can't handle it :))))

PS: Okay I know it's kinda late for it... but Happy New Year!!!

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