Chapter 13: Maverick

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Morticia feels like her blood just drains from her body, and not in a good way. Kiera gives her the dirtiest smirk she can as they both stand in front of Laelia's room.

"Principal Davies, such a coincidence to see you here" Morticia forces out a smile, her mind is racing through hundreds of reasons why she at Laelia's room, and hundreds more reasons why her lipstick is smushed.

"Yes, indeed it is!" Kiera takes a peak through Morticia's shoulder, behind the raven hair is Laelia who trying to swipe something off her face with a bright red blush "Miss Harrison, may I ask why is Mrs. Addams in your room?"

Laelia glances between Morticia and Kiera awkwardly before starting to explain "We were chatting about my mother, Principal Davies. I really wanted to know about her so I asked Mrs Addams. Please don't blame her, Miss Davies!"

Kiera is skeptical. However, she chooses to believe Laelia's words "Alright, then Mrs. Addams, you may leave now" then the Siren turns to Laelia with a more professional tone "Miss Harrison, will you please come to my office, I need to discuss with you some urgent matters?"

"I think that can wait till tomorrow, Kiera!" Morticia jumps in, she doesn't believe that this woman means any good to her girl.

"No, Mrs. Addams. I said it is urgent for a reason" Kiera says then pushes Moricia aside and steps into Laelia's room "Miss Harrison, this is about your father"

As the word "father" comes out of Kiera's lips, Laelia feels like her heart almost drops out of her chest. She quickly comes to Kiera's side, grabbing the older woman's arm "Is he alright? What happened?"

"Let's go to my office first, dear!" Kiera puts her hand on Laelia's shoulder and pulls her closer as they leave.

Morticia stands lonely in the same spot the whole time, she also feels the seriousness of this information about Maverick. He is Laelia's family, the only one left. Morticia can't imagine what could possibly happen to the girl if he were gone. Where would Laelia go if he died?

She leaves the thought alone, she doesn't want to think about it, not right now, right after she kissed Laelia and got caught. This is too much for one day. She needs some rest.

And a glass of wine to calm herself.


"Your father has been hospitalized this afternoon" Kiera informs, both of them sitting on the couch opposite the fireplace "People found him fainted on the road, near his car, the doctor said his condition isn't bad, just from exhaustion!"

"Oh God!" Laelia let out a sigh, at least he's not hurt or having any serious illness "Can I pay him a visit, Kiera?"

"Of course you can, I will drive you there in the afternoon before lunch. I was informed that he can leave at 10 am, I can take you two to a restaurant in town for lunch!"

"Really? You don't have to, I don't want to bother you!"

Kiera smiles at the blonde girl, her hands go up to caress Laelia's face, the cool temperature from her body making the girl shiver.

"You're my student, it will never bother me when I help my student!" Kiera leans closer, her lips gently touching Laelia's forehead, the kiss isn't long but Laelia feels like it was hours before Kiera leans back.

Her whole body heats up, every inch of her skin that is touched by the Siren is burning. The feeling is different from Morticia's touch, hers was soothing while Kiera's is more shuddering and fierce.

'And why the hell am I comparing the two of them now?'

"Alright, Lia!" Kiera pulls away, a pinkish blush appears on her face and a smirk on her lips "You may go now! Your body is a beautiful piece of art but I really mind when you got so much paint on your clothes like this, darling!"

Laelia shot up from her seat, her cheeks reddened at the comment "I'm sorry, I hope it won't stain the couch!"

"Don't worry, you're worth a thousand times more than the couch, Lia!"

Laelia could feel smoke coming out from both of her ears. Are Nevermore's women always this flirty?

The blonde comes back to her room, she goes through her night like normal but her mind keeps racing through everything that happened in the evening, she tries to forget about them and returns to her father. Laelia knows that he doesn't have a healthy diet or routine but he would never exhaust himself like this. Maybe loneliness really gets him after she leaves for Nevermore.


Morticia spends her morning looking at the textbook to prepare for next week's exam, she has worked on it since last night. After the kiss with Laelia, she couldn't get any sleep, it was so strange for her, even after three glasses of wine, but she knew that she would dream about it if she fell asleep, so it was for the best. The softness of her lips still lingers on Morticia's skin like plague, which is good and also scary. This is so forbidden, a relationship between an adult teacher and an underage student, a woman with her lover's child. Morticia can look pass the first part, but the latter...

Morticia massages her temple, the paper starts to make her feel dizzy, she should leave the library and get some fresh air.

The hallways are empty since most students are still in their classes or most likely sleep in their rooms. Morticia stands at the quad, empty and peaceful. Maybe that's why the blond head is so vibrant against the dark and lifeless wall as she passes by.

Laelia, not in her uniform, almost runs toward the front gate, where a black car is waiting for her. Morticia recognizes that car, it was Larissa's, yet Kiera is driving it now.

The raven-haired furrows, she guesses that Laelia is going to see her father or something to do with Maverick. Morticia has no problem with that, but she can't assure that Kiera won't stick her dirty hand in the mess between her and Laelia. Maybe she will tell Maverick and he will move her to another school or report Morticia to the Board. Morticia can't fathom the world without her precious girl one more, she was stupid enough to leave Larissa, she can't lose Laelia now.

Morticia doesn't recall any schedule or meeting she needs to attend, so she goes to her car, a lovely pitch-black car that Gomez gave her when she became a teacher at Nevermore, and speeds up to Jericho. She arrives sooner in town, as she expects, but she still doesn't know where is Maverick so it will cost her a little more time to find that out.

"I'm surprised that you know how to drive that well, mother"

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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