Chapter 8: Marble Gravestone

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Laelia ran to the canteen as fast as possible, hoping there was still some chocolate cake left for her. But, not to her surprise, she was too late, the only option that she had was the crepe. Laelia did not really like it but what other choice that she have? Curse her sweet craving!

Laelia sat down next to Wednesday and Enid with a stray of food that she had just got. She got herself some pasta, a side of salad, a crepe cake and an iced tea.

"You are late" Wednesday pointed out, her face didn't express much emotion as it always was.

"Yeah, I know" Laelia pouted "If only I were here sooner, I would have that chocolate cake!"

"You mean this?" the brunette pushed her chocolate cake toward Laelia's side "You can have this if you want, I don't like chocolate anyway"

"Really? Thank you so much, Wendy! You're the best! You can have my crepe cake instead!"

"I don't think she like crepe, that crepe is kinda colorful for Weds. She is allergic to color!" Enid leaned over to take the crepe, then slid her brownie to her "Here Weds, I'll take care of the crepe for ya!"

Wednesday stared at her brownie for a bit then continue to eat her meal.

From a distance, Morticia observed her daughter, she understood her daughter well enough to know she never liked any cake. It's weird for her to have a side of chocolate cake for dinner.

Shaking the doubt away, Morticia turned back to her meal, she didn't eat any at lunch, it felt like she could faint anytime now. She swallowed her pasta, it tasteless in her mouth as if she was eating cardboard. This wasn't something new to her, since her Larissa died, nothing had ever been well for her anymore. She couldn't sleep well, the food all felt tasteless, and life was just meaningless without her.

Morticia quickly finish her dinner with a glass of water walked away from the place. She wandered around with no destination in mind. She didn't know for how long, she just know that she should keep walking so she can stop thinking about her.

Unnoticeably, she had come to a forbidden place, Larissa's grave. Her name was beautifully carved on the marble gravestone, there were no leaves or any dirty spots around her grave. It seemed like it was cleaned regularly, which is understandable, she was their Principal, she died protecting this school so at least they would show her some basic respect when she was buried in Nevermore. And maybe also because this forbidden place is truly forbidden to all the students and only some staff that have permission are allowed so there were fewer visitors and less mess for the staff to clean. Morticia didn't have permission even though she had asked for it since her first day at Nevermore, Principal Davies kept refusing. Her reason was that Morticia was still new to this school, she had to work for Nevermore for at least 3 years to have permission to visit Larissa's grave.

Morticia's tears started to fall uncontrollably. Just underneath that white gravestone was her best friend, her love. She couldn't imagine the image of Larissa in a coffin, slowly being buried. She was so used to seeing Larissa, a heavy sleeper, sleeping soundly in their dorm room. Sometimes, when Morticia couldn't sleep at night, she would come to her roommate's bed, staring at her, admire her figure, caress her face. Warmth. Soothing sensation when their skin met. And some nights, they would sleep with other in the same bed, Morticia would steal some kisses from her friend, those were the best kisses she ever had, surpassing everything she had with Gomez.

'It felt like just yesterday'

"Mrs. Addams?"

Morticia was startled by that voice, she knew really well who was the owner of that voice, but she kept hoping otherwise.

'Why do they have to sound so similar?'

"Miss Harisson" she wiped the tear away and face Laelia with a bright smile "It's a surprise to see you here!"

"Same to you!" Laelia nervously fidgets her fingers.

Laelia was hoping to visit her mother's grave and talk to her, alone. It's pretty shocking for her to see her dorm mom also here with tears falling down her face. She didn't want to interrupt, but something told her to come and comfort her teacher. Her mother must be a very important person to Morticia. Although she didn't have the courage to comfort her, she still didn't want to sneak up on her in this vulnerable state.

"How did you get in here? This area is restricted, did you get permission?" Morticia approached the girl while maintaining a playful smirk on her face.

"Y... yes, I got the missi... I mean p... permission" Laelia's cheeks reddened, she looked down at her feet to hide her embarrassment, because the truth is she didn't know she need permission to visit her mother's grave.

"Is that so?" Morticia's mood now lighten, she looked at the blond girl with amusement "Who gave you permission?"

"I... it... it was... Principal... the Principal gave me permission"

"I know you not having permission, dear! But because you're a newbie so I won't give you detention!" Morticia gently grabbed Laelia's hand and brought her closer to the grave "Come closer, I think that mother would be so proud to see her daughter have grown into such a lovely girl!"

Laelia looked at the white gravestone, she gladded that they took good care of her even when she had died. Laelia just wondered what kind of person her mother was. Was she a serious person? A funny person? Or a generous person? Would she like her? Why was her mother never met her for so many years? Did she hate her? Did she think that her daughter isn't important? Was Laelia a mistake that her mother didn't want?

"What was she like? My mother, what was she like?" Laelia asked "I imagine she would be a strict teacher, but also caring for her students"

"I don't know, but as far as I see, she was indeed a caring teacher, who would die for her student sake!" Morticia's voice suddenly turned sour, she didn't mean it, but she truly felt jealous of those students. She wondered if Larissa would do the same for her. Morticia turned to look at the girl, Laelia's eyes started to water, her lips tightened as if trying to control herself from crying.

"Do you think she a good mother?" her voice sounded like it was on the verge to break.

"I don't know... but she was a kind, friendly, caring and a very talented person in her field. She was a good friend, I bet that she would also be a good mother as well since she always mothering me around" Morticia bent down in front of the blond girl, her hands reaching out to wipe away the tears on her face. Laelia gave her a sad smile.

"You can always count on me, your mother protected my daughter, so I will protect hers. If you ever need help, tell me, I will try my best! Is that okay?"

"I... yes, Mrs. Addams"

"Call me Morticia, ma chérie!"


Wednesday sometimes wanted to poke her eyes out and place them in a jar. Like who wouldn't if they saw this terrible scene of two vampires making out in this library? And not just making out, Wednesday could even see their hands started to roam to other parts.


The psychic headed to the library not because she wanted to, it was because her roommate having her boyfriend over. Wednesday had threatened to hang that wolf but after so many threats, the colorful head just ignored them.

Wednesday took a random book on the shelves and went to sit down at the table in the corner next to the window. That place was not only quite hidden but also the only table that no couple had ever done unholy things on.

She took a glance outside, the yard was clear, it about 10 pm so that's made sense. Then her eyes trail along the pathway to the graveyard, a few trees and buildings were on the way so she couldn't have a clear view. But that was enough for her to see her mother and the Harisson girl walking together back.

"Thing, I thought I told you to keep an eye on her"

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