Chapter 2: Arrive at Nevermore

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Morticia sings like the most condemned of crows, Larissa sung like the most delicate of doves.


Larissa's footsteps echo through the hallways, and she swears she could feel eyes burning holes through her as she greets the current headmistress. She had, - Laelia had finally arrived at Nevermore, after delayed flights and long car rides, with even longer paths on foot.

She had always wanted to study here, in Nevermore, instead of the normal school she had suffered in for so long. But then again, there was a reason why she had never stepped foot here, under her mother's strict rule. She had never been allowed here after her parents, Maverick Harrison and Larissa Weems, separated when she was 5. And she knew how to respect that.

Her mother had been the principal of Nevermore for almost a decade before her tragic passing, only a few short months ago. Her mother's death had seemed to break her father, and she still vividly recalls how hard he had worked himself, she recalls how she could smell the stench of alcohol and cigarettes lingering on his breath and clothes for weeks after the news hit. Her father had clearly loved her mother dearly, and her death had struck him deep.

Laelia was only here because her father wanted her to have a good education, to graduate with the degree she deserved in two years' time. He wanted to give her the world, and he also wanted to be closer to where her mother's body lay. Larissa Weems was buried on school grounds, Laelia made a mental note to visit it as soon as she settles.

The new Principal, Kiera Davies, makes her way through crowds of curious students, to greet the Harrisons. With a polite smile and firm handshake, Kiera invites the small family of two inside her office, where two cups of tea had already been set. There would be a few hiccups to smooth over after all the pleasant small talk, but that could wait a few minutes, surely.

"Welcome to Nevermore, Mister and Miss Harrison!" she smiles, all white, sharp teeth and sharp edges, "I trust the road found you well?" Laelia nods, and her father clears his throat. Kiera shoots him a sharp glare.

"Very well then, as stated in our letters previously, Laelia is half a month late to the start of this semester." Laelia shifts, unsure of herself. Kiera smiles at her kindly, "But no matter. Due to your past with our school, the board does not mind, and neither do I," Kiera sets down her cup with a resounding click, her expression apologetic and sorrowful.

"My sincerest condolences for your loss. Principal Weems was a great woman, truly a one of a kind. Her passing was a tragedy that has struck us all deeply, and though I could never truly understand how you feel,"

Laelia shifts uncomfortably in her seat at the mention of her mother, her father, on the other hand, doesn't seem bothered at all.

Kiera turns to Laelia, "My office is always open for you, if you ever feel like you need to talk," Laelia forces a smile.

"As for living arrangements, she shall be staying in Ophelia Hall. Due to unfortunate circumstances, however, she will be residing in her room alone. Is that alright, honey?"

"On the contrary," Maverick looks over at his daughter, "I think that she'll like that," Ms. Davies sighs, relieved. What is she relieved about?

"I'm glad to hear that!" Laelia thinks that her smile looks forced. "Her dorm monitor, or as we like to affectionately refer to them, 'dorm mom' should be here soon," Laelia nods, eyes roving over the books the new principal kept in her office. 'Psychology, Mathematics, Physics... Maybe Kiera also worked as a teacher? "She will show Miss Harrison to her room, oh, how does a tour around the school sound, dear?" Laelia nods and smiles, half-wondering whether she had imagined the flush on the principal's cheeks upon addressing her.

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