Chapter 10: A Strange Morning

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Laelia loves it when her bed is warm, something about it is just so comforting. When the sun rises and shines through the window, the sunlight slowly enters the room and lands on her figure. Laelia buries her face into the colder softness in front of her, in the bed where everything is warm, that softness is something different that she now craves.

Soft, cold and comfortable.

"Uhm... Ah~"

But when did she sleep?

She was with Morticia last night, she doesn't remember going to bed or anything like that.

And what is this thing in her arm?

'Why is this softness so familiar?'

Laelia's eyes open wide in shock, in front of her is Morticia's... chest. Her body shot up, in front of her bed, looking around, this is her room, her bed. Then why this doesn't feel real?

"You're alright, dear?" Morticia is startled, she slowly sits up while placing her hands on Laelia's shoulders, gently pulling her closer to her, Laelia heats up like she's on fire as their body glued together.

"I... uh... I... I'm fine" Laelia's heart is about to drop down to her stomach as Morticia's arms are now wrapped around her, the cold skin presses against hers like they have intertwined into one.

"Last night you fell asleep on me, I tried to tuck you to bed, but arms were around me so I stayed for a night. You don't mind that, right?" Morticia buries her face into the blonde hair, her voice sounds dreamy as if she's still not fully awake.

"No... of course not... Ah!" Laelia suddenly felt her body being dragged down to the warm mattress, one of the brunette's arms holding her tight while the other put the blanket over them.

"Good, then let back to sleep!"

'What... is happening?'


Wednesday stomps away from the canteen after breakfast and into her first class of the day. Art. She is mad, this time not because of Enid or her boyfriend, but Laelia... or Morticia to be exact.

The new girl isn't showing up in the canteen for breakfast or anywhere else. However, she does know that her mother isn't in her room, from last night till now.

She doesn't know if Laelia has any classes in the morning or not. But even if she does and that is where she had been all morning, there is just no way that Wednesday doesn't notice. It seems very weird, last night she saw Laelia and her mother walking alongside each other back to Ophelia Hall. And now both of them have disappeared all morning.

'Better check their room in case of "unfortunate" thing that might happen'

Wednesday stands up from her seat and leaves her class, even though the teacher just entered the room. The raven-haired is about to get out of her class when she sees Laelia, running her way to her class. Wednesday stands there and observes her for a second then heads back inside as if nothing happens. There is something off and she can feel it in her gut, Laelia isn't the kind of person who is usually late for classes.

The Art class is painfully slower than what Wednesday can bear, but she passes it now. Having no more classes except for Alchemy at the end of the day, she decides to find her mother for a talk. Wednesday knows this is none of her business, her parents agree with open marriage as long as both of them spend enough time together and with their children. However, that isn't an excuse for her mother, Morticia freaking Addams to lust over a 16-year-old girl.

Looking at the crowded hallway, Wednesday curses herself and every DNA in her body for limiting her height. She walks alongside the wall, she believes that she will get crushes against it but thanks to her "friendly" stare, all students avoid her at all costs.

Finally, Wednesday makes it to the library, she lets out a sigh before going in. The raven-haired looked around for her mother, knowing well that she would be there to prepare books for the class or grade the students' works.

The library is still empty as always, not many people except for the nerd or the horny vampires come here. Wednesday skips the first and goes straight upstairs. As she expected, her mother was here, sitting by the window. What she doesn't expect is Principal Davies is also here and talking to her. Wednesday huffs and turns away, goes back to her dorm room. Principal Davies is the last person she wants to meet. Last year, that woman was a pain in the ass, giving her bad grades even when she finish her assignments brilliantly, forcing her to write more papers for some stupid topic as punishment of god knows what. And worst, forbid her from sitting next to Enid because she, as that woman said, distracts the class.

If Wednesday has a chance, she will shove into that Siren's throat the biggest bronze sword she can find.

But for now, her mother is saved by that unbearable woman.


Morticia maintains the most usual expression on her face while listening to the Principal, her boss, talking about her suspicious behavior around the new student, Laelia. If she didn't need this job, she would cut that woman's throat right then and there before she could react. But instead of that, Morticia calms herself down and nods to her words.

"Yes, yes, I understand your concern, Principal Davies! I will be professional and keep an appropriate distance from that girl. Now, may you excuse me, I need to get ready for my class!" Morticia smiles and walks away from the library. The sooner she leaves the place, the safer her sanity is.

'How the hell did the board allow such a pain in the ass to be the Principal at Nevermore?'

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