Chapter 4: First day

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Restless, Laelia awakes, bright red letters spelling "6:00 AM" on her alarm clock's face as she stretches in bed.

Yawning, she gets up, shooting a glance to the timetable she had drawn up last night. On it, highlighted with a sterile neon yellow reads "Fencing Class - 9:00". She rolls her eyes half heartedly at the note she had attached to it.

"Don't be late you godforsaken disgrace. I swear I will do unspeakable things to you if you don't get up on time or get lost or whatever don't know don't care. Just be there. Nine-o-clock SHARP.

Sincerely, You (1:34 AM)"

She tears the note out and crumples it in the trash before heading off to the communal showers, taking a fresh change of clothes with her.

Thankfully it doesn't take her long, the locker room remaining blessedly empty as she brushes her hair and styles it, pulling on her uniform and brushing her teeth before she heads down for breakfast. God, the things she'd do for a pancake right about now..


Hunger abolished, Laelia makes her way to the library, the watch on her wrist pointing to a precise seven AM. A small smile rests on her lips as her mood lifts with every window she passes. Dark clouds promise spectacular rain, some tainted a deep purplish magenta by the sunrise they obscure.

Laelia had always loved the rain. Something about it, the sound of it, the feel, the smell of petrichor that clings to her clothes.. What was there not to love?

She's at the library before she knows it. As she pushes the double doors open, the scent of books and parchment hits her like a brick, the secluded part of Nevermore welcoming to her eyes. And truly, it was secluded. No one ever really went there except for the librarian and her, and today was no different. Atop of the fact that with the dead silence that comes with such a place, the clouds made it seem darker. More sinister, if you will.

She quickly fetches the book she had been wanting to finish out of her bag, slowly heading over to that secluded spot by a window that had called to her on first sight.

With another two hours in mind, she makes herself comfortable, quickly immersing herself back into the book.

It was a romance novel with a very tragic storyline, following a covert relationship among a queen and a war prisoner.

It was an ancient book, her father said that it had belonged to her mother once. Apparently, this very book was the catalyst to her father and mother's fateful meeting and subsequent falling in love.

Privately, she also entertains the fantasy that she too will meet her lover through this book as well. That would be so romantic, two time's charm!

"Miss Harisson? What are you doing here all alone?"


Morticia runs her fingers through her hair as she makes way to the library. Her botany classes of today seemed to be missing a few. Inconvenient, but understandable.

Usually, students would be the ones to

collect their own, but Morticia didn't really trust her class -she loved them to bits but they were a truly forgetful bunch- to remember such things so she just decided to do it by herself.

They only go to the library to make out anyway. She giggles at the thought.

But it seems that today something differed. Its still early, Morticia reasons, so why on gods green earth does she hear voices chatting on the second level? Great, now she's curious. Who would even be here at this hour, actually upholding a conversation?

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