Chapter 7: Her Scent of Longing

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Laelia let her eyes wander around her teacher's room, it was filled up with dark colors, black mostly. The air felt so cold inside, not warm like Principal Davies's office, but something about it made her comfortable to be in there. The bedroom was quite large, maybe a little bigger than her dorm room. Yet, it had more stuff to take up space than her own, she guessed that's the reason why it feel more like home to her, feel more livable.

"The bathroom is over there" Morticia's voice brought her back to reality "Make yourself comfortable. Also, you can use anything in there if you want, I don't mind!"

"Thank you, Mrs Addams. But I brought all that I need with me!" Laelia smiled at her and got into the bathroom. Unnoticeably, Laelia let out a sigh as soon as she got in.

The room wasn't very big compared to her bathroom at home, it had a showerhead on top of the bath, a sink with a round mirror, a basket underneath the sink with some clothes in it, a drawer on top and a few hangers on the wall. Laelia's face quickly heat up when she saw a black bra being hung on one of those hangers.

'Don't stare at it, you pervert!' she took a deep breath, then turn away to undress herself. She folds her clothes neatly with her underwear hidden in between and places them on the sink. Laelia got into the shower, trying to do it fast because she didn't want to bother her teacher and also because the dinner time is about to come, she doesn't want to be late for it. Mrs. Brown, the lovely lady that she met yesterday, had told her this morning that tonight they will have some delicious chocolate cake, and that she should be early to have it since many other students really crave it.

Laelia doesn't know how did that lady know she love chocolate cake but she guess that Mrs. Brown just assumed that she also love them just like the others.

On the other side of the bathroom door, Morticia buried her face in the pillow, ashamed of herself for luring such an innocent girl into her room. The sizzling sound from the shower made her couldn't help but imagine. Imagine that girl in her bathroom, naked, naked at the place she usually takes a bath and relaxes at. She wish that she hadn't gone back to her room that late, maybe she should have headed straight to the canteen for an early dinner or just left her class sooner.

The sound from the opposite changed, informing her that the girl is now under it, wet and totally off guard from the predator that trying so hard to contain herself, a monster on the other side of the door. Morticia knows this is really wrong, and immoral to think about Laelia that way. That girl is not even 18 yet, on top of that, she is Larissa's daughter, her best friend's daughter... her loved one's daughter.

'That's not Larissa. That's not Larissa. That's not Larissa' Morticia chanted in her mind, hoping it would help 'She's a fucking child! Larissa's child'

She fell onto the mattress, covering her head with the pillow that she was holding, she forced herself to think about other things, anything that worked. Her eyes closed, her hands moved up to cover her ears, her mouth saying something about homework for her students.

All of a sudden, it hit her.

A child.

A girl, lovely, beautiful... and familiar.

She saw... her's hair, her's lips, her's nose, her's face, but with Larissa's eyes.

"Morticia? How do I look? Do I look like you?"

Larissa's voice.

"Morticia? Did I fail?"



Morticia jumped up from her bed, she breathed heavily, cold sweat covered her forehead.

'What was that?' she looked at her surrounding carefully 'A vision? But who is it? Why is she look like me?'

"Shapeshifters can shift into other people quite easily when we master it, but we also have a common... flaw. The eyes. Those are very hard to shift, so we usually rather shift into a non-existing person or someone with the same eye color than someone with different eye color. Also, the voice is quite hard to change at first, but when we get used to shifting, it's no big deal! Now give my note back, Tish!"

That was what Larissa told her, so if she not wrong, that person in her vision was...

"Mrs. Addams" Laelia got out of the bathroom with her uniform, soap and shampoo placed in a small basket that she brought with her, her towel on her shoulders, her hair dripping made her t-shirt's collar a little wet "I'm done, thank you for letting me use your shower!"

Morticia looked at Laelia, her eyes locked onto her pastel blue t-shirt. Although her towel have absorb the water dripping from her hair, still, her shirt was a bit wet, Morticia can even see her bra underneath it.

"Laelia, come here, let me blow dry your hair!" the brunette went to her drawer.

"No, no... I mean, I don't want to bother you, I already use your shower so..." Laelia was late for dinner, she felt too comfortable in the shower that she forgot the time. When she realized it, she had quickly got out and put her clothes on without drying her hair probably, only had the towel on her shoulder for the water not to wet her shirt. Well, that's fail.

"Just come over here, dear! You might catch a cold if you go out like that!" Morticia's voice was charming, Laelia defeatedly comply.

Morticia led Laelia to a chair at her makeup table, she took the towel and rubbed it on her hair to absorb the excess water a bit, then throw it on the bed. With the hairdryer in her hand, she gently helps the girl to dry her hair, and also her shirt. Morticia's face heat up a little when her hand touched the blond lock. Her hair was soft, it smell like vanilla with a hint of berry, her hair was being taken good care of, she can tell.

If she wasn't wrong, Larissa also had a scent of vanilla and berry, but it was more on the refreshing side.

After a few minutes, Laelia's hair and shirt were all dry, Morticia turned off the hairdryer, Laelia got up right after that.

"Thank you, Mrs Addams! I have to go now, see you later!" the girl beamed at her. Morticia smiled back, her heart skipped a beat as Laelia disappeared into the corridor.

Morticis let out a sigh, that girl was too careless, she really need to keep an eye on her before someone do perverted thing to her... especially Kiera.

The psychic turned around, she also need to be quick before dinner time ended, she didn't eat in the afternoon so now her stomach is taking revenge on her.

At the corner of her eyes, something got her attention, something... with a pastel color.

A towel.

"It's Laelia's towel, she must forget it!" she let out a small smile "Such a careless girl" without realizing it, she brought the towel to her nose, almost buried her face in it.

The towel still had Laelia's scent on it, not much but enough, enough for Morticia to miss her already.

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