Chapter 5: Kiera

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Laelia sighs, relieved after having ended her fencing class on a high note. She lounged around for a bit, finally able to relax, before deciding to get lunch - she doesn't quite feel like starving for the reminder of her school day. To be fair, she only has art and botanical science left - so a measly two classes; which in all fairness isn't that much - and the the latter of which is taught by Mrs. Addams, so thats a pro, she guesses.

Laelia doesn't quite know how she feels about Mrs. Addams in particular - on one hand, she's a relaxed and interesting teacher, on the other - she seems to possess a strange, almost concerning amount of influence on her - in spite of the fact that they had quite literally met yesterday. Morticia's daughter too - Wednesday Addams is also another strange one, there's something vaguely familiar to her - though Laelia can't quite place it. Could they have been friends before?

Laelia pushes those strange feelings aside and reminds herself that she is simply surrounded by people she feels comfortable with, what with them being outcasts just like herself. Maybe her mother's time as principal is also interfering with these strange feelings, causing Laelia to feel so disoriented.

Laelia decids to finally set aside her thoughts of the weird, familiar feeling about the people that surrounded her. She sat down at a cafeteria table, after being waved down by a certain bubbly, eccentric, and enthusiastic wereworf. Admittably - Laelia hesitated for a second, but decided to go along with it.

Wednesday sits beside her, Enid and Ajax opposite them, Yoko and Divina nowhere in sight. Strangely, Laelia suspects that those two are together. Xavier is nowhere to be seen as well.

Lunch felt borderline eerie - her senses sharpened by an oncoming sense of doom, which by by all means is unjustified.

Laelia also notes down the lingering stares from Wednesday - almost longing - as if her eyes sometimes unintentionally caught on Enid and Ajax. She quickly averts her eyes anytime that happens.

A few times, Laelia caught Wednesday openly staring - no, glaring, even - at the couple with something akin to jealousy in her dark irises, which quickly dissipated into a somber look of resignation.

Deja-vú hits Laelia then, a vague memory, the colours muted and outlines blurred - she feels, no, knows that she had once looked at someone the same way. That same admiration from afar - longing, a pain dulled by time.

She doesn't remember who she may have been longing for - she just knows that she did.

Enid giggles, turning to Laelia as she attempts to strike up a conversation in which Laelia can participate.

"Hey, Lia? I never knew you could fence! My jaw was on the floor throughout the entire duel - you were so cool!! Who taught you?"

Enid continued to rumble, gushing about how cool that had been and some other words that quite frankly sounded like gibberish to Laelia - like "BAMF" and "lmao" - other than that, Enid seemed almost starstruck by Laelia's fencing skills, claiming that it was as if Laelia somehow shifted into a sort of "badass mode" to defeat her opponent.

Laelia, however, brushed her compliments aside, stating that she didn't have any teacher for it, and that perhaps it was something that ran in her family, as her father was a good fencer himself in his time.

"But your style has so much in common with Wednesday! Wends, who taught you fencing?" Enid turns to her roomate, seemingly amused when she catches Wednesday glaring daggerd at Ajax.

"My mother taught me at the age of six, as she did Pugsley, and as she will to Pubert. One of her favorite topics is still about how she was captain of the fencing team back when she was a student here." Wednesday deadpans.

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