11 | Call with besties

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📞JM: What happened??

📞THV: Ahh my ears!

📞BH: Is it Jung-Hwan??

📞MH: YES!!

📞JM: What did he do now?!

📞MH: He literally send his men to follow us!



📞JM: No way!!

📞MH: They said something like, 'we must take Minho with us because commissioner wanted to tell him so something'

📞JM: He's dead!

📞BH: Girl, imma punch him if he dares to do something to you

📞MH: But I have bigger problem. I must face him tomorrow!

📞THV: We will eavesdrop and spy on him

📞JM: We must!

📞BH: Minnie if he says something or do something that you don't like, excuse yourself and get out

📞THV: Yes, he's right

📞MH: I'll try, I just hope that he won't do that

📞JM: What happened in the end when you spotted them??

📞THV: Yeah, what happened?

📞MH: We decided to left since I was uncomfortable. Han said to me to walk behind him. When they said that they have to leave with me, I made some excuse that I'm busy right now. Han protected me!!

📞BH: Damn, girl~

📞THV: Right~~

📞MH: Guys, I have to go now. See you tomorrow! Byee, love youu alll

📞JM: Byee, say hi to Felix!

📞BH: Yeah, byee!

📞THV: Byee

On the other side...

"Hey babe, can I ask you for a favor?" Wooyoung asked coming in his office.

"Sure baby, what's up?" San asked.

Wooyoung worriedly closed the door and sat beside him.

"Hey, hey. Is everything okay? Did someone hurt you?" San asked worried.

"No, it's about my bestie, Minho. You know him...." Wooyoung started.

"Yes," San replied.

"Police commissioner is sexually harrasing him. I just want to ask you, if you can keep an eye on him? Just don't be suspicious. I just wanted to let you know," Wooyoung said.

"It's okay baby. I understand. I'll keep an eye on him, don't worry," San replied.

"Thank youu! Please don't tell others," Wooyoung said.

"I won't," San said and kissed his cheek.

Wooyoung smiled and kissed him. San got into the kiss as he started kissing his neck. Wooyoung moaned knowing that this is going to be a long night....

The Strength of Love | Minsung ✔️Finished✔️Where stories live. Discover now