13 | Groped (Part 2)

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"Sir! Help me!" Minho yelled trying to push him away.

"Sir! Ah!" Minho yelled.


"Why don't be such a good boy and listen to the orders huh?"

His hair was grabbed tightly. He was crying so much.

"Don't move!"

"Help me! Please! Ahaa!"


"Stop it! Sir! Ah!" Minho yelled, still trying to kick him or push him away.

"You have to be strong, hyung...."

"Just remember me, and you'll know that fighting is worth"


He got courage to push Jung-Hwan, by kicking him in the sensitive lower part as he groaned. He went fast to the door and went out. He was so happy that he escaped.

"The hell, Minho..." Jung-Hwan said to himself.

Minho started running downstairs trying to see where are his besties.

"Minho!" Han yelled as Minho looked at him.

"Han!" Minho said, running towards him and hugging him.

Han didn't hug him back which confused Minho.

"Han..." Minho said quietly.

"Why did you go inside his office?" Han asked, not believing it.

"How can I avoid him, Han?" Minho asked all scared.

"Why not?" Han asked as Minho looked shocked at him.

"Minho!" His bestie yelled all scared as they runned towards him.

"Han, we're glad that you're here!" Taehyung said.

Jimin, Baekhyun and Taehyung looked at him confused spotting that something is wrong.

"What happened?" Jimin asked worried.

"What do you have in your mind?" Minho asked shocked.

They didn't say anything knowing that it will just make the whole situation worse.

"How do I know? You two were alone in that room"

"Han!" Minho warned him.

"What do you mean?!" He added a little angry.

"Hyung!" Felix yelled as he runned towards him.

Jimin and others pulled him back telling him that something's wrong.

"Why? Are you mad at me?" Han asked.

"If you talk to me like that, you can't even be my friend, Han!" Minho said, not believing it.

"Wait, Minho," Han said as he grabbed his hand but Minho pulled it away.

"For everything I did, it's because I care about you," Han said.

"So, this is called 'caring'?" Minho asked, trying not to cry.

"Then, stop caring about me, Han!" He added.

"What---Han?" Felix asked shocked.

"Yeah. It's my fault for worrying about you. I'm sorry," Han said as he started walking away.

"What---what happened? Han??" Felix asked confused.

Han didn't turn around as Felix all angry started walking towards him, grabbed his arm and turned him around. Han glared at him as Hyunjin got closer to them, knowing what Han is capable of. Hyunjin grabbed Felix's shoulder and pulled him back a little.

"Don't," Hyunjin said, only wanting what's best for him.

Felix turned around just to see that Minho's gone.

The Strength of Love | Minsung ✔️Finished✔️Where stories live. Discover now