28 | Escape

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Han, Jungkook, San, I.N, Seungmin and Hyunlix entered with guns.

"I'll find them," Felix said.

"I'll go too," Han said as he started running after him.

Hyunjin, Jungkook, San, I.N and Seungmin were covering them, as I.N and Seungmin were looking back while San and Jungkook were aiming a side.

On the other side...

"Minho!" Han yelled.

Minho, Chan and Changbin turned around just to see everyone else there.

"Han!" Minho yelled as they hugged.

"I know that you missed each other but this is not the right time!" San yelled as they started running.

"He's right. Let's go!" Minho said as they started running.

After few minutes they reached the end as Chan hit the door with his leg causing it to fall. They all went in the black van as police arrived. When Minho was about to enter one officer shot him in the leg as he winced in pain almost falling.

"No!" Han yelled as he held his waist.

Felix and Jungkook helped him and put Minho inside. Felix closed the door as Hyunjin started driving.

"Is everyone okay?" Seungmin asked.

"Y-yes," Minho replied as he held his leg trying to calm down.

"No, you're not okay. Drive faster!" Han yelled.

Hyunjin pressed the gas and started going with enough speed to escape from the cops.

"It's okay Han," Minho said as he smiled.

Han just held him in his lap, all worried for his darling.

"Promise me, keep your eyes open," Han said.

"I promise," Minho said.

Few tears escaped from his eyes as he hugged Minho tightly. Felix stroked his brother's hair.

"Everything will be okay, hyung. You got this, you're strong," Felix said.

After 15 minutes they arrived to the mansion and went out. San and Han were holding Minho's arms. They all went inside as Han's guards secured every entrace in his mansion.

Minho laid on the couch as Taehyung, Jimin and Baekhyun came towards him.

"What happened??" Jimin asked shocked.

"Are you okay??" Baekhyun asked worried.

"I'm okay, some stupid cop shot me in the leg," Minho said as he moaned in pain.

"Please help him," Han said.

"Babe, please bring us that bag," Baekhyun said as Chanyeol did.

"Lee Minho, show yourself or we will have to arrest you with force. If you don't show yourself within a minute, we'll destroy the entire house and send our men in," Jung-Hwan said with some kind of microphone.

Minho and others looked at each other shocked.

"Me, Jungkook and San will deal with that. Just continue," Wooyoung said as they went closer to the window, watching the police outside.

"They followed us!" Han yelled angrily.

He grabbed two bombs and went upstairs. Chan and Seungmin followed him worried.

Minho groaned in pain when Jimin and Taehyung successfully removed the bullet from his leg.

"It's okay, we got you," Baekhyun said, wiping the blood on his leg.

They than heard that someone broke the glass as they looked at each other worried and scared.

The Strength of Love | Minsung ✔️Finished✔️Where stories live. Discover now