20 | Attacks

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Baekhyun walked in the hospital as few people looked at him. He knew that something was wrong. He walked towards one nurse.

"Excuse me," Baekhyun started as she turned around.

"Yes? Can I help you?" She asked.

"Do you know, who are those people in all black clothes?" Baekhyun asked.

"Hmm yes. Police commissioner ordered them to stay here and keep everything in line. Isn't it cool?" She asked.

"Yeah...thank you," Baekhyun said, still unsure and scared of his surroundings.

He went in the restroom to relax for a bit. Then a man entered as Baekhyun stopped his actions for a moment, his heart started beating fast again.

"Excuse me, are you Park Baekhyun?" He asked as Baekhyun looked at him.

The moment he noticed that he have a gun he pushed the man to a side and started running. Man started running after him as he grabbed his arm and pushed him back in the restroom. Baekhyun looked at him shocked and scared.

"What do you want?" Baekhyun asked.

"Depends if you want to give that," man said walking closer to him.

"Why are you following us??" Baekhyun asked as he kept going backwards.

Man laughed when he touched the wall knowing that he's im the dead end.

"We're following you all because we can and we want to. And the best part is, that you can't do anything to stop us or to stop commissioner," he said as he pinned him to the wall.

When he was about to kiss Baekhyun's neck, he took out a knife and stabbed him in the thigh. Man yelled in pain as he punched Baekhyun in the face. Baekhyun groaned in pain. He doesn't even know how he managed to get away from this.

- Time Skip -

Baekhyun rushed to Minho's house knowing that everyone else is there. He knocked few times as Taehyung opened the door. He gasped in shock as everyone looked at him.

"What happened?" Jimin asked confused.

"Hey baby," Chanyeol said as he hugged him.

He pulled away since Baekhyun didn't say anything.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Chanyeol asked confused and worried.

"Baekhyun?" Taehyung asked.

Chanyeol slowly lifted his face as he gasped in shock.

"Who did that??" He asked angrily.

Others stood up and went towards Baekhyun. Baekhyun started crying hard as he hugged Chanyeol. Chanyeol kissed his forehead and hugged him tightly. Everyone else were shocked since Baekhyun had black eye.

"I'm s-sorry I---someone attacked m-me," Baekhyun stuttered.

Minho entered in the house as everyone looked at him. He was also crying. Han stepped closer to him as he looked shocked at his arms who were covered in bruises.

"He attacked you too?" Baekhyun stuttered as Minho looked at him.

He started crying as Han hugged him tightly, not wanting to let go. Minho hugged him as he cried on his shoulder. Han looked at others who were also worried.


"I can't believe that they started attacking my residents!" Wooyoung said angrily.

"We will stop them. Let me, Jungkook and Yoongi to step in action," San said as they agreed.

"They doesn't know any of us so it will be easier," Jungkook agreed.

"Just p-please, stop that son of a b!tch," Baekhyun said as he winced in pain, still feeling the pain around his eyes.

"I'll kill that son of a b!tch with my bare hands. He won't be alive after what his man did to you," Chanyeol said as he hugged his boyfriend.

"I'm going to kill him too," Han said angrily as he looked at Minho who was leaning on his chest, trying to rest.

"We'll also help you guys," Chan said.

"How about we all move to Han's house?" Hyunjin suggested.

"That's a great idea. Jung-Hwan was here in our house, he knows where we live," Felix agreed.

"And I don't want you to be hurt by them. I can't let that happen," Hyunjin said as he kissed the top of his head.

The Strength of Love | Minsung ✔️Finished✔️Where stories live. Discover now